path: root/doc/ba.1
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1 files changed, 65 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/ba.1 b/doc/ba.1
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+.\" generated with Ronn/v0.7.3
+.TH "BA" "1" "September 2017" "" ""
+\fBba\fR \- Grow a Barabasi\-Albert scale\-free random graph
+\fBba\fR \fIN\fR \fIm\fR \fIn0\fR
+\fBba\fR grows an undirected random scale\-free graph with \fIN\fR nodes using the linear preferential attachment model proposed by Barabasi and Albert\. The initial network is a ring of \fIn0\fR nodes, and each new node creates \fIm\fR new edges\. The resulting graph will have a scale\-free degree distribution, whose exponent converges to \fBgamma=3\.0\fR for large \fIN\fR\.
+Number of nodes of the final graph\.
+Number of edges created by each new node\.
+Number of nodes in the initial (seed) graph\.
+\fBba\fR prints on STDOUT the edge list of the final graph\.
+The following command:
+.IP "" 4
+ $ ba 10000 3 5 > ba_10000_3_5\.txt
+.IP "" 0
+creates a Barabasi\-Albert scale\-free graph with \fIN=10000\fR nodes, where each new node creates \fIm=3\fR new edges and the initial seed network is a ring of \fIn0=5\fR nodes\. The edge list of the graph is saved in the file \fBba_10000_3_5\.txt\fR (thanks to the redirection operator \fB>\fR)\.
+bb_fitness(1), dms(1), bbv(1)
+.IP "\(bu" 4
+A\.\-L\. Barabasi, R\. Albert, "Emergence of scaling in random networks", Science 286, 509\-512 (1999)\.
+.IP "\(bu" 4
+V\. Latora, V\. Nicosia, G\. Russo, "Complex Networks: Principles, Methods and Applications", Chapter 6, Cambridge University Press (2017)
+.IP "\(bu" 4
+V\. Latora, V\. Nicosia, G\. Russo, "Complex Networks: Principles, Methods and Applications", Appendix 13, Cambridge University Press (2017)
+.IP "" 0
+(c) Vincenzo \'KatolaZ\' Nicosia 2009\-2017 \fB<v\.nicosia@qmul\.ac\.uk>\fR\.