diff options
author | John MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.edu> | 2014-10-18 16:16:49 -0700 |
committer | John MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.edu> | 2014-10-18 16:31:59 -0700 |
commit | 3b54fe244535a791a8f8d8bf6d367a5ebb2d47b6 (patch) | |
tree | 2f7dddf7abaa8213b36d5f5111b67a72bd1eabf7 /js/stmd.js | |
parent | f9e91b6d2d0837a331ce0c60609997b436e7f224 (diff) |
Use browserify to make js code more modular.
* Moved js library code to `js/lib`.
* `js/stmd.js` is now generated from these files using browserify.
* Factored out `html5-entities.js` and `from-code-point.js` from main
js parsing code (which is now `index.js`).
* Moved `js/markdown` to `js/bin`.
Diffstat (limited to 'js/stmd.js')
-rwxr-xr-x | js/stmd.js | 3794 |
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 3794 deletions
diff --git a/js/stmd.js b/js/stmd.js deleted file mode 100755 index ba5c2a3..0000000 --- a/js/stmd.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3794 +0,0 @@ -// stmd.js - CommomMark in JavaScript -// Copyright (C) 2014 John MacFarlane -// License: BSD3. - -// Basic usage: -// -// var stmd = require('stmd'); -// var parser = new stmd.DocParser(); -// var renderer = new stmd.HtmlRenderer(); -// console.log(renderer.render(parser.parse('Hello *world*'))); - -(function(exports) { - - var entities = { AAacute: 'Á', - aacute: 'á', - Abreve: 'Ă', - abreve: 'ă', - ac: '∾', - acd: '∿', - acE: '∾', - Acirc: 'Â', - acirc: 'â', - acute: '´', - Acy: 'А', - acy: 'а', - AElig: 'Æ', - aelig: 'æ', - af: '', - Afr: '𝔄', - afr: '𝔞', - Agrave: 'À', - agrave: 'à', - alefsym: 'ℵ', - aleph: 'ℵ', - Alpha: 'Α', - alpha: 'α', - Amacr: 'Ā', - amacr: 'ā', - amalg: '⨿', - amp: '&', - AMP: '&', - andand: '⩕', - And: '⩓', - and: '∧', - andd: '⩜', - andslope: '⩘', - andv: '⩚', - ang: '∠', - ange: '⦤', - angle: '∠', - angmsdaa: '⦨', - angmsdab: '⦩', - angmsdac: '⦪', - angmsdad: '⦫', - angmsdae: '⦬', - angmsdaf: '⦭', - angmsdag: '⦮', - angmsdah: '⦯', - angmsd: '∡', - angrt: '∟', - angrtvb: '⊾', - angrtvbd: '⦝', - angsph: '∢', - angst: 'Å', - angzarr: '⍼', - Aogon: 'Ą', - aogon: 'ą', - Aopf: '𝔸', - aopf: '𝕒', - apacir: '⩯', - ap: '≈', - apE: '⩰', - ape: '≊', - apid: '≋', - apos: '\'', - ApplyFunction: '', - approx: '≈', - approxeq: '≊', - Aring: 'Å', - aring: 'å', - Ascr: '𝒜', - ascr: '𝒶', - Assign: '≔', - ast: '*', - asymp: '≈', - asympeq: '≍', - Atilde: 'Ã', - atilde: 'ã', - Auml: 'Ä', - auml: 'ä', - awconint: '∳', - awint: '⨑', - backcong: '≌', - backepsilon: '϶', - backprime: '‵', - backsim: '∽', - backsimeq: '⋍', - Backslash: '∖', - Barv: '⫧', - barvee: '⊽', - barwed: '⌅', - Barwed: '⌆', - barwedge: '⌅', - bbrk: '⎵', - bbrktbrk: '⎶', - bcong: '≌', - Bcy: 'Б', - bcy: 'б', - bdquo: '„', - becaus: '∵', - because: '∵', - Because: '∵', - bemptyv: '⦰', - bepsi: '϶', - bernou: 'ℬ', - Bernoullis: 'ℬ', - Beta: 'Β', - beta: 'β', - beth: 'ℶ', - between: '≬', - Bfr: '𝔅', - bfr: '𝔟', - bigcap: '⋂', - bigcirc: '◯', - bigcup: '⋃', - bigodot: '⨀', - bigoplus: '⨁', - bigotimes: '⨂', - bigsqcup: '⨆', - bigstar: '★', - bigtriangledown: '▽', - bigtriangleup: '△', - biguplus: '⨄', - bigvee: '⋁', - bigwedge: '⋀', - bkarow: '⤍', - blacklozenge: '⧫', - blacksquare: '▪', - blacktriangle: '▴', - blacktriangledown: '▾', - blacktriangleleft: '◂', - blacktriangleright: '▸', - blank: '␣', - blk12: '▒', - blk14: '░', - blk34: '▓', - block: '█', - bne: '=', - bnequiv: '≡', - bNot: '⫭', - bnot: '⌐', - Bopf: '𝔹', - bopf: '𝕓', - bot: '⊥', - bottom: '⊥', - bowtie: '⋈', - boxbox: '⧉', - boxdl: '┐', - boxdL: '╕', - boxDl: '╖', - boxDL: '╗', - boxdr: '┌', - boxdR: '╒', - boxDr: '╓', - boxDR: '╔', - boxh: '─', - boxH: '═', - boxhd: '┬', - boxHd: '╤', - boxhD: '╥', - boxHD: '╦', - boxhu: '┴', - boxHu: '╧', - boxhU: '╨', - boxHU: '╩', - boxminus: '⊟', - boxplus: '⊞', - boxtimes: '⊠', - boxul: '┘', - boxuL: '╛', - boxUl: '╜', - boxUL: '╝', - boxur: '└', - boxuR: '╘', - boxUr: '╙', - boxUR: '╚', - boxv: '│', - boxV: '║', - boxvh: '┼', - boxvH: '╪', - boxVh: '╫', - boxVH: '╬', - boxvl: '┤', - boxvL: '╡', - boxVl: '╢', - boxVL: '╣', - boxvr: '├', - boxvR: '╞', - boxVr: '╟', - boxVR: '╠', - bprime: '‵', - breve: '˘', - Breve: '˘', - brvbar: '¦', - bscr: '𝒷', - Bscr: 'ℬ', - bsemi: '⁏', - bsim: '∽', - bsime: '⋍', - bsolb: '⧅', - bsol: '\\', - bsolhsub: '⟈', - bull: '•', - bullet: '•', - bump: '≎', - bumpE: '⪮', - bumpe: '≏', - Bumpeq: '≎', - bumpeq: '≏', - Cacute: 'Ć', - cacute: 'ć', - capand: '⩄', - capbrcup: '⩉', - capcap: '⩋', - cap: '∩', - Cap: '⋒', - capcup: '⩇', - capdot: '⩀', - CapitalDifferentialD: 'ⅅ', - caps: '∩', - caret: '⁁', - caron: 'ˇ', - Cayleys: 'ℭ', - ccaps: '⩍', - Ccaron: 'Č', - ccaron: 'č', - Ccedil: 'Ç', - ccedil: 'ç', - Ccirc: 'Ĉ', - ccirc: 'ĉ', - Cconint: '∰', - ccups: '⩌', - ccupssm: '⩐', - Cdot: 'Ċ', - cdot: 'ċ', - cedil: '¸', - Cedilla: '¸', - cemptyv: '⦲', - cent: '¢', - centerdot: '·', - CenterDot: '·', - cfr: '𝔠', - Cfr: 'ℭ', - CHcy: 'Ч', - chcy: 'ч', - check: '✓', - checkmark: '✓', - Chi: 'Χ', - chi: 'χ', - circ: 'ˆ', - circeq: '≗', - circlearrowleft: '↺', - circlearrowright: '↻', - circledast: '⊛', - circledcirc: '⊚', - circleddash: '⊝', - CircleDot: '⊙', - circledR: '®', - circledS: 'Ⓢ', - CircleMinus: '⊖', - CirclePlus: '⊕', - CircleTimes: '⊗', - cir: '○', - cirE: '⧃', - cire: '≗', - cirfnint: '⨐', - cirmid: '⫯', - cirscir: '⧂', - ClockwiseContourIntegral: '∲', - CloseCurlyDoubleQuote: '”', - CloseCurlyQuote: '’', - clubs: '♣', - clubsuit: '♣', - colon: ':', - Colon: '∷', - Colone: '⩴', - colone: '≔', - coloneq: '≔', - comma: ',', - commat: '@', - comp: '∁', - compfn: '∘', - complement: '∁', - complexes: 'ℂ', - cong: '≅', - congdot: '⩭', - Congruent: '≡', - conint: '∮', - Conint: '∯', - ContourIntegral: '∮', - copf: '𝕔', - Copf: 'ℂ', - coprod: '∐', - Coproduct: '∐', - copy: '©', - COPY: '©', - copysr: '℗', - CounterClockwiseContourIntegral: '∳', - crarr: '↵', - cross: '✗', - Cross: '⨯', - Cscr: '𝒞', - cscr: '𝒸', - csub: '⫏', - csube: '⫑', - csup: '⫐', - csupe: '⫒', - ctdot: '⋯', - cudarrl: '⤸', - cudarrr: '⤵', - cuepr: '⋞', - cuesc: '⋟', - cularr: '↶', - cularrp: '⤽', - cupbrcap: '⩈', - cupcap: '⩆', - CupCap: '≍', - cup: '∪', - Cup: '⋓', - cupcup: '⩊', - cupdot: '⊍', - cupor: '⩅', - cups: '∪', - curarr: '↷', - curarrm: '⤼', - curlyeqprec: '⋞', - curlyeqsucc: '⋟', - curlyvee: '⋎', - curlywedge: '⋏', - curren: '¤', - curvearrowleft: '↶', - curvearrowright: '↷', - cuvee: '⋎', - cuwed: '⋏', - cwconint: '∲', - cwint: '∱', - cylcty: '⌭', - dagger: '†', - Dagger: '‡', - daleth: 'ℸ', - darr: '↓', - Darr: '↡', - dArr: '⇓', - dash: '‐', - Dashv: '⫤', - dashv: '⊣', - dbkarow: '⤏', - dblac: '˝', - Dcaron: 'Ď', - dcaron: 'ď', - Dcy: 'Д', - dcy: 'д', - ddagger: '‡', - ddarr: '⇊', - DD: 'ⅅ', - dd: 'ⅆ', - DDotrahd: '⤑', - ddotseq: '⩷', - deg: '°', - Del: '∇', - Delta: 'Δ', - delta: 'δ', - demptyv: '⦱', - dfisht: '⥿', - Dfr: '𝔇', - dfr: '𝔡', - dHar: '⥥', - dharl: '⇃', - dharr: '⇂', - DiacriticalAcute: '´', - DiacriticalDot: '˙', - DiacriticalDoubleAcute: '˝', - DiacriticalGrave: '`', - DiacriticalTilde: '˜', - diam: '⋄', - diamond: '⋄', - Diamond: '⋄', - diamondsuit: '♦', - diams: '♦', - die: '¨', - DifferentialD: 'ⅆ', - digamma: 'ϝ', - disin: '⋲', - div: '÷', - divide: '÷', - divideontimes: '⋇', - divonx: '⋇', - DJcy: 'Ђ', - djcy: 'ђ', - dlcorn: '⌞', - dlcrop: '⌍', - dollar: '$', - Dopf: '𝔻', - dopf: '𝕕', - Dot: '¨', - dot: '˙', - DotDot: '⃜', - doteq: '≐', - doteqdot: '≑', - DotEqual: '≐', - dotminus: '∸', - dotplus: '∔', - dotsquare: '⊡', - doublebarwedge: '⌆', - DoubleContourIntegral: '∯', - DoubleDot: '¨', - DoubleDownArrow: '⇓', - DoubleLeftArrow: '⇐', - DoubleLeftRightArrow: '⇔', - DoubleLeftTee: '⫤', - DoubleLongLeftArrow: '⟸', - DoubleLongLeftRightArrow: '⟺', - DoubleLongRightArrow: '⟹', - DoubleRightArrow: '⇒', - DoubleRightTee: '⊨', - DoubleUpArrow: '⇑', - DoubleUpDownArrow: '⇕', - DoubleVerticalBar: '∥', - DownArrowBar: '⤓', - downarrow: '↓', - DownArrow: '↓', - Downarrow: '⇓', - DownArrowUpArrow: '⇵', - DownBreve: '̑', - downdownarrows: '⇊', - downharpoonleft: '⇃', - downharpoonright: '⇂', - DownLeftRightVector: '⥐', - DownLeftTeeVector: '⥞', - DownLeftVectorBar: '⥖', - DownLeftVector: '↽', - DownRightTeeVector: '⥟', - DownRightVectorBar: '⥗', - DownRightVector: '⇁', - DownTeeArrow: '↧', - DownTee: '⊤', - drbkarow: '⤐', - drcorn: '⌟', - drcrop: '⌌', - Dscr: '𝒟', - dscr: '𝒹', - DScy: 'Ѕ', - dscy: 'ѕ', - dsol: '⧶', - Dstrok: 'Đ', - dstrok: 'đ', - dtdot: '⋱', - dtri: '▿', - dtrif: '▾', - duarr: '⇵', - duhar: '⥯', - dwangle: '⦦', - DZcy: 'Џ', - dzcy: 'џ', - dzigrarr: '⟿', - Eacute: 'É', - eacute: 'é', - easter: '⩮', - Ecaron: 'Ě', - ecaron: 'ě', - Ecirc: 'Ê', - ecirc: 'ê', - ecir: '≖', - ecolon: '≕', - Ecy: 'Э', - ecy: 'э', - eDDot: '⩷', - Edot: 'Ė', - edot: 'ė', - eDot: '≑', - ee: 'ⅇ', - efDot: '≒', - Efr: '𝔈', - efr: '𝔢', - eg: '⪚', - Egrave: 'È', - egrave: 'è', - egs: '⪖', - egsdot: '⪘', - el: '⪙', - Element: '∈', - elinters: '⏧', - ell: 'ℓ', - els: '⪕', - elsdot: '⪗', - Emacr: 'Ē', - emacr: 'ē', - empty: '∅', - emptyset: '∅', - EmptySmallSquare: '◻', - emptyv: '∅', - EmptyVerySmallSquare: '▫', - emsp13: ' ', - emsp14: ' ', - emsp: ' ', - ENG: 'Ŋ', - eng: 'ŋ', - ensp: ' ', - Eogon: 'Ę', - eogon: 'ę', - Eopf: '𝔼', - eopf: '𝕖', - epar: '⋕', - eparsl: '⧣', - eplus: '⩱', - epsi: 'ε', - Epsilon: 'Ε', - epsilon: 'ε', - epsiv: 'ϵ', - eqcirc: '≖', - eqcolon: '≕', - eqsim: '≂', - eqslantgtr: '⪖', - eqslantless: '⪕', - Equal: '⩵', - equals: '=', - EqualTilde: '≂', - equest: '≟', - Equilibrium: '⇌', - equiv: '≡', - equivDD: '⩸', - eqvparsl: '⧥', - erarr: '⥱', - erDot: '≓', - escr: 'ℯ', - Escr: 'ℰ', - esdot: '≐', - Esim: '⩳', - esim: '≂', - Eta: 'Η', - eta: 'η', - ETH: 'Ð', - eth: 'ð', - Euml: 'Ë', - euml: 'ë', - euro: '€', - excl: '!', - exist: '∃', - Exists: '∃', - expectation: 'ℰ', - exponentiale: 'ⅇ', - ExponentialE: 'ⅇ', - fallingdotseq: '≒', - Fcy: 'Ф', - fcy: 'ф', - female: '♀', - ffilig: 'ffi', - fflig: 'ff', - ffllig: 'ffl', - Ffr: '𝔉', - ffr: '𝔣', - filig: 'fi', - FilledSmallSquare: '◼', - FilledVerySmallSquare: '▪', - fjlig: 'f', - flat: '♭', - fllig: 'fl', - fltns: '▱', - fnof: 'ƒ', - Fopf: '𝔽', - fopf: '𝕗', - forall: '∀', - ForAll: '∀', - fork: '⋔', - forkv: '⫙', - Fouriertrf: 'ℱ', - fpartint: '⨍', - frac12: '½', - frac13: '⅓', - frac14: '¼', - frac15: '⅕', - frac16: '⅙', - frac18: '⅛', - frac23: '⅔', - frac25: '⅖', - frac34: '¾', - frac35: '⅗', - frac38: '⅜', - frac45: '⅘', - frac56: '⅚', - frac58: '⅝', - frac78: '⅞', - frasl: '⁄', - frown: '⌢', - fscr: '𝒻', - Fscr: 'ℱ', - gacute: 'ǵ', - Gamma: 'Γ', - gamma: 'γ', - Gammad: 'Ϝ', - gammad: 'ϝ', - gap: '⪆', - Gbreve: 'Ğ', - gbreve: 'ğ', - Gcedil: 'Ģ', - Gcirc: 'Ĝ', - gcirc: 'ĝ', - Gcy: 'Г', - gcy: 'г', - Gdot: 'Ġ', - gdot: 'ġ', - ge: '≥', - gE: '≧', - gEl: '⪌', - gel: '⋛', - geq: '≥', - geqq: '≧', - geqslant: '⩾', - gescc: '⪩', - ges: '⩾', - gesdot: '⪀', - gesdoto: '⪂', - gesdotol: '⪄', - gesl: '⋛', - gesles: '⪔', - Gfr: '𝔊', - gfr: '𝔤', - gg: '≫', - Gg: '⋙', - ggg: '⋙', - gimel: 'ℷ', - GJcy: 'Ѓ', - gjcy: 'ѓ', - gla: '⪥', - gl: '≷', - glE: '⪒', - glj: '⪤', - gnap: '⪊', - gnapprox: '⪊', - gne: '⪈', - gnE: '≩', - gneq: '⪈', - gneqq: '≩', - gnsim: '⋧', - Gopf: '𝔾', - gopf: '𝕘', - grave: '`', - GreaterEqual: '≥', - GreaterEqualLess: '⋛', - GreaterFullEqual: '≧', - GreaterGreater: '⪢', - GreaterLess: '≷', - GreaterSlantEqual: '⩾', - GreaterTilde: '≳', - Gscr: '𝒢', - gscr: 'ℊ', - gsim: '≳', - gsime: '⪎', - gsiml: '⪐', - gtcc: '⪧', - gtcir: '⩺', - gt: '>', - GT: '>', - Gt: '≫', - gtdot: '⋗', - gtlPar: '⦕', - gtquest: '⩼', - gtrapprox: '⪆', - gtrarr: '⥸', - gtrdot: '⋗', - gtreqless: '⋛', - gtreqqless: '⪌', - gtrless: '≷', - gtrsim: '≳', - gvertneqq: '≩', - gvnE: '≩', - Hacek: 'ˇ', - hairsp: ' ', - half: '½', - hamilt: 'ℋ', - HARDcy: 'Ъ', - hardcy: 'ъ', - harrcir: '⥈', - harr: '↔', - hArr: '⇔', - harrw: '↭', - Hat: '^', - hbar: 'ℏ', - Hcirc: 'Ĥ', - hcirc: 'ĥ', - hearts: '♥', - heartsuit: '♥', - hellip: '…', - hercon: '⊹', - hfr: '𝔥', - Hfr: 'ℌ', - HilbertSpace: 'ℋ', - hksearow: '⤥', - hkswarow: '⤦', - hoarr: '⇿', - homtht: '∻', - hookleftarrow: '↩', - hookrightarrow: '↪', - hopf: '𝕙', - Hopf: 'ℍ', - horbar: '―', - HorizontalLine: '─', - hscr: '𝒽', - Hscr: 'ℋ', - hslash: 'ℏ', - Hstrok: 'Ħ', - hstrok: 'ħ', - HumpDownHump: '≎', - HumpEqual: '≏', - hybull: '⁃', - hyphen: '‐', - Iacute: 'Í', - iacute: 'í', - ic: '', - Icirc: 'Î', - icirc: 'î', - Icy: 'И', - icy: 'и', - Idot: 'İ', - IEcy: 'Е', - iecy: 'е', - iexcl: '¡', - iff: '⇔', - ifr: '𝔦', - Ifr: 'ℑ', - Igrave: 'Ì', - igrave: 'ì', - ii: 'ⅈ', - iiiint: '⨌', - iiint: '∭', - iinfin: '⧜', - iiota: '℩', - IJlig: 'IJ', - ijlig: 'ij', - Imacr: 'Ī', - imacr: 'ī', - image: 'ℑ', - ImaginaryI: 'ⅈ', - imagline: 'ℐ', - imagpart: 'ℑ', - imath: 'ı', - Im: 'ℑ', - imof: '⊷', - imped: 'Ƶ', - Implies: '⇒', - incare: '℅', - in: '∈', - infin: '∞', - infintie: '⧝', - inodot: 'ı', - intcal: '⊺', - int: '∫', - Int: '∬', - integers: 'ℤ', - Integral: '∫', - intercal: '⊺', - Intersection: '⋂', - intlarhk: '⨗', - intprod: '⨼', - InvisibleComma: '', - InvisibleTimes: '', - IOcy: 'Ё', - iocy: 'ё', - Iogon: 'Į', - iogon: 'į', - Iopf: '𝕀', - iopf: '𝕚', - Iota: 'Ι', - iota: 'ι', - iprod: '⨼', - iquest: '¿', - iscr: '𝒾', - Iscr: 'ℐ', - isin: '∈', - isindot: '⋵', - isinE: '⋹', - isins: '⋴', - isinsv: '⋳', - isinv: '∈', - it: '', - Itilde: 'Ĩ', - itilde: 'ĩ', - Iukcy: 'І', - iukcy: 'і', - Iuml: 'Ï', - iuml: 'ï', - Jcirc: 'Ĵ', - jcirc: 'ĵ', - Jcy: 'Й', - jcy: 'й', - Jfr: '𝔍', - jfr: '𝔧', - jmath: 'ȷ', - Jopf: '𝕁', - jopf: '𝕛', - Jscr: '𝒥', - jscr: '𝒿', - Jsercy: 'Ј', - jsercy: 'ј', - Jukcy: 'Є', - jukcy: 'є', - Kappa: 'Κ', - kappa: 'κ', - kappav: 'ϰ', - Kcedil: 'Ķ', - kcedil: 'ķ', - Kcy: 'К', - kcy: 'к', - Kfr: '𝔎', - kfr: '𝔨', - kgreen: 'ĸ', - KHcy: 'Х', - khcy: 'х', - KJcy: 'Ќ', - kjcy: 'ќ', - Kopf: '𝕂', - kopf: '𝕜', - Kscr: '𝒦', - kscr: '𝓀', - lAarr: '⇚', - Lacute: 'Ĺ', - lacute: 'ĺ', - laemptyv: '⦴', - lagran: 'ℒ', - Lambda: 'Λ', - lambda: 'λ', - lang: '⟨', - Lang: '⟪', - langd: '⦑', - langle: '⟨', - lap: '⪅', - Laplacetrf: 'ℒ', - laquo: '«', - larrb: '⇤', - larrbfs: '⤟', - larr: '←', - Larr: '↞', - lArr: '⇐', - larrfs: '⤝', - larrhk: '↩', - larrlp: '↫', - larrpl: '⤹', - larrsim: '⥳', - larrtl: '↢', - latail: '⤙', - lAtail: '⤛', - lat: '⪫', - late: '⪭', - lates: '⪭', - lbarr: '⤌', - lBarr: '⤎', - lbbrk: '❲', - lbrace: '{', - lbrack: '[', - lbrke: '⦋', - lbrksld: '⦏', - lbrkslu: '⦍', - Lcaron: 'Ľ', - lcaron: 'ľ', - Lcedil: 'Ļ', - lcedil: 'ļ', - lceil: '⌈', - lcub: '{', - Lcy: 'Л', - lcy: 'л', - ldca: '⤶', - ldquo: '“', - ldquor: '„', - ldrdhar: '⥧', - ldrushar: '⥋', - ldsh: '↲', - le: '≤', - lE: '≦', - LeftAngleBracket: '⟨', - LeftArrowBar: '⇤', - leftarrow: '←', - LeftArrow: '←', - Leftarrow: '⇐', - LeftArrowRightArrow: '⇆', - leftarrowtail: '↢', - LeftCeiling: '⌈', - LeftDoubleBracket: '⟦', - LeftDownTeeVector: '⥡', - LeftDownVectorBar: '⥙', - LeftDownVector: '⇃', - LeftFloor: '⌊', - leftharpoondown: '↽', - leftharpoonup: '↼', - leftleftarrows: '⇇', - leftrightarrow: '↔', - LeftRightArrow: '↔', - Leftrightarrow: '⇔', - leftrightarrows: '⇆', - leftrightharpoons: '⇋', - leftrightsquigarrow: '↭', - LeftRightVector: '⥎', - LeftTeeArrow: '↤', - LeftTee: '⊣', - LeftTeeVector: '⥚', - leftthreetimes: '⋋', - LeftTriangleBar: '⧏', - LeftTriangle: '⊲', - LeftTriangleEqual: '⊴', - LeftUpDownVector: '⥑', - LeftUpTeeVector: '⥠', - LeftUpVectorBar: '⥘', - LeftUpVector: '↿', - LeftVectorBar: '⥒', - LeftVector: '↼', - lEg: '⪋', - leg: '⋚', - leq: '≤', - leqq: '≦', - leqslant: '⩽', - lescc: '⪨', - les: '⩽', - lesdot: '⩿', - lesdoto: '⪁', - lesdotor: '⪃', - lesg: '⋚', - lesges: '⪓', - lessapprox: '⪅', - lessdot: '⋖', - lesseqgtr: '⋚', - lesseqqgtr: '⪋', - LessEqualGreater: '⋚', - LessFullEqual: '≦', - LessGreater: '≶', - lessgtr: '≶', - LessLess: '⪡', - lesssim: '≲', - LessSlantEqual: '⩽', - LessTilde: '≲', - lfisht: '⥼', - lfloor: '⌊', - Lfr: '𝔏', - lfr: '𝔩', - lg: '≶', - lgE: '⪑', - lHar: '⥢', - lhard: '↽', - lharu: '↼', - lharul: '⥪', - lhblk: '▄', - LJcy: 'Љ', - ljcy: 'љ', - llarr: '⇇', - ll: '≪', - Ll: '⋘', - llcorner: '⌞', - Lleftarrow: '⇚', - llhard: '⥫', - lltri: '◺', - Lmidot: 'Ŀ', - lmidot: 'ŀ', - lmoustache: '⎰', - lmoust: '⎰', - lnap: '⪉', - lnapprox: '⪉', - lne: '⪇', - lnE: '≨', - lneq: '⪇', - lneqq: '≨', - lnsim: '⋦', - loang: '⟬', - loarr: '⇽', - lobrk: '⟦', - longleftarrow: '⟵', - LongLeftArrow: '⟵', - Longleftarrow: '⟸', - longleftrightarrow: '⟷', - LongLeftRightArrow: '⟷', - Longleftrightarrow: '⟺', - longmapsto: '⟼', - longrightarrow: '⟶', - LongRightArrow: '⟶', - Longrightarrow: '⟹', - looparrowleft: '↫', - looparrowright: '↬', - lopar: '⦅', - Lopf: '𝕃', - lopf: '𝕝', - loplus: '⨭', - lotimes: '⨴', - lowast: '∗', - lowbar: '_', - LowerLeftArrow: '↙', - LowerRightArrow: '↘', - loz: '◊', - lozenge: '◊', - lozf: '⧫', - lpar: '(', - lparlt: '⦓', - lrarr: '⇆', - lrcorner: '⌟', - lrhar: '⇋', - lrhard: '⥭', - lrm: '', - lrtri: '⊿', - lsaquo: '‹', - lscr: '𝓁', - Lscr: 'ℒ', - lsh: '↰', - Lsh: '↰', - lsim: '≲', - lsime: '⪍', - lsimg: '⪏', - lsqb: '[', - lsquo: '‘', - lsquor: '‚', - Lstrok: 'Ł', - lstrok: 'ł', - ltcc: '⪦', - ltcir: '⩹', - lt: '<', - LT: '<', - Lt: '≪', - ltdot: '⋖', - lthree: '⋋', - ltimes: '⋉', - ltlarr: '⥶', - ltquest: '⩻', - ltri: '◃', - ltrie: '⊴', - ltrif: '◂', - ltrPar: '⦖', - lurdshar: '⥊', - luruhar: '⥦', - lvertneqq: '≨', - lvnE: '≨', - macr: '¯', - male: '♂', - malt: '✠', - maltese: '✠', - Map: '⤅', - map: '↦', - mapsto: '↦', - mapstodown: '↧', - mapstoleft: '↤', - mapstoup: '↥', - marker: '▮', - mcomma: '⨩', - Mcy: 'М', - mcy: 'м', - mdash: '—', - mDDot: '∺', - measuredangle: '∡', - MediumSpace: ' ', - Mellintrf: 'ℳ', - Mfr: '𝔐', - mfr: '𝔪', - mho: '℧', - micro: 'µ', - midast: '*', - midcir: '⫰', - mid: '∣', - middot: '·', - minusb: '⊟', - minus: '−', - minusd: '∸', - minusdu: '⨪', - MinusPlus: '∓', - mlcp: '⫛', - mldr: '…', - mnplus: '∓', - models: '⊧', - Mopf: '𝕄', - mopf: '𝕞', - mp: '∓', - mscr: '𝓂', - Mscr: 'ℳ', - mstpos: '∾', - Mu: 'Μ', - mu: 'μ', - multimap: '⊸', - mumap: '⊸', - nabla: '∇', - Nacute: 'Ń', - nacute: 'ń', - nang: '∠', - nap: '≉', - napE: '⩰', - napid: '≋', - napos: 'ʼn', - napprox: '≉', - natural: '♮', - naturals: 'ℕ', - natur: '♮', - nbsp: ' ', - nbump: '≎', - nbumpe: '≏', - ncap: '⩃', - Ncaron: 'Ň', - ncaron: 'ň', - Ncedil: 'Ņ', - ncedil: 'ņ', - ncong: '≇', - ncongdot: '⩭', - ncup: '⩂', - Ncy: 'Н', - ncy: 'н', - ndash: '–', - nearhk: '⤤', - nearr: '↗', - neArr: '⇗', - nearrow: '↗', - ne: '≠', - nedot: '≐', - NegativeMediumSpace: '', - NegativeThickSpace: '', - NegativeThinSpace: '', - NegativeVeryThinSpace: '', - nequiv: '≢', - nesear: '⤨', - nesim: '≂', - NestedGreaterGreater: '≫', - NestedLessLess: '≪', - NewLine: '\n', - nexist: '∄', - nexists: '∄', - Nfr: '𝔑', - nfr: '𝔫', - ngE: '≧', - nge: '≱', - ngeq: '≱', - ngeqq: '≧', - ngeqslant: '⩾', - nges: '⩾', - nGg: '⋙', - ngsim: '≵', - nGt: '≫', - ngt: '≯', - ngtr: '≯', - nGtv: '≫', - nharr: '↮', - nhArr: '⇎', - nhpar: '⫲', - ni: '∋', - nis: '⋼', - nisd: '⋺', - niv: '∋', - NJcy: 'Њ', - njcy: 'њ', - nlarr: '↚', - nlArr: '⇍', - nldr: '‥', - nlE: '≦', - nle: '≰', - nleftarrow: '↚', - nLeftarrow: '⇍', - nleftrightarrow: '↮', - nLeftrightarrow: '⇎', - nleq: '≰', - nleqq: '≦', - nleqslant: '⩽', - nles: '⩽', - nless: '≮', - nLl: '⋘', - nlsim: '≴', - nLt: '≪', - nlt: '≮', - nltri: '⋪', - nltrie: '⋬', - nLtv: '≪', - nmid: '∤', - NoBreak: '', - NonBreakingSpace: ' ', - nopf: '𝕟', - Nopf: 'ℕ', - Not: '⫬', - not: '¬', - NotCongruent: '≢', - NotCupCap: '≭', - NotDoubleVerticalBar: '∦', - NotElement: '∉', - NotEqual: '≠', - NotEqualTilde: '≂', - NotExists: '∄', - NotGreater: '≯', - NotGreaterEqual: '≱', - NotGreaterFullEqual: '≧', - NotGreaterGreater: '≫', - NotGreaterLess: '≹', - NotGreaterSlantEqual: '⩾', - NotGreaterTilde: '≵', - NotHumpDownHump: '≎', - NotHumpEqual: '≏', - notin: '∉', - notindot: '⋵', - notinE: '⋹', - notinva: '∉', - notinvb: '⋷', - notinvc: '⋶', - NotLeftTriangleBar: '⧏', - NotLeftTriangle: '⋪', - NotLeftTriangleEqual: '⋬', - NotLess: '≮', - NotLessEqual: '≰', - NotLessGreater: '≸', - NotLessLess: '≪', - NotLessSlantEqual: '⩽', - NotLessTilde: '≴', - NotNestedGreaterGreater: '⪢', - NotNestedLessLess: '⪡', - notni: '∌', - notniva: '∌', - notnivb: '⋾', - notnivc: '⋽', - NotPrecedes: '⊀', - NotPrecedesEqual: '⪯', - NotPrecedesSlantEqual: '⋠', - NotReverseElement: '∌', - NotRightTriangleBar: '⧐', - NotRightTriangle: '⋫', - NotRightTriangleEqual: '⋭', - NotSquareSubset: '⊏', - NotSquareSubsetEqual: '⋢', - NotSquareSuperset: '⊐', - NotSquareSupersetEqual: '⋣', - NotSubset: '⊂', - NotSubsetEqual: '⊈', - NotSucceeds: '⊁', - NotSucceedsEqual: '⪰', - NotSucceedsSlantEqual: '⋡', - NotSucceedsTilde: '≿', - NotSuperset: '⊃', - NotSupersetEqual: '⊉', - NotTilde: '≁', - NotTildeEqual: '≄', - NotTildeFullEqual: '≇', - NotTildeTilde: '≉', - NotVerticalBar: '∤', - nparallel: '∦', - npar: '∦', - nparsl: '⫽', - npart: '∂', - npolint: '⨔', - npr: '⊀', - nprcue: '⋠', - nprec: '⊀', - npreceq: '⪯', - npre: '⪯', - nrarrc: '⤳', - nrarr: '↛', - nrArr: '⇏', - nrarrw: '↝', - nrightarrow: '↛', - nRightarrow: '⇏', - nrtri: '⋫', - nrtrie: '⋭', - nsc: '⊁', - nsccue: '⋡', - nsce: '⪰', - Nscr: '𝒩', - nscr: '𝓃', - nshortmid: '∤', - nshortparallel: '∦', - nsim: '≁', - nsime: '≄', - nsimeq: '≄', - nsmid: '∤', - nspar: '∦', - nsqsube: '⋢', - nsqsupe: '⋣', - nsub: '⊄', - nsubE: '⫅', - nsube: '⊈', - nsubset: '⊂', - nsubseteq: '⊈', - nsubseteqq: '⫅', - nsucc: '⊁', - nsucceq: '⪰', - nsup: '⊅', - nsupE: '⫆', - nsupe: '⊉', - nsupset: '⊃', - nsupseteq: '⊉', - nsupseteqq: '⫆', - ntgl: '≹', - Ntilde: 'Ñ', - ntilde: 'ñ', - ntlg: '≸', - ntriangleleft: '⋪', - ntrianglelefteq: '⋬', - ntriangleright: '⋫', - ntrianglerighteq: '⋭', - Nu: 'Ν', - nu: 'ν', - num: '#', - numero: '№', - numsp: ' ', - nvap: '≍', - nvdash: '⊬', - nvDash: '⊭', - nVdash: '⊮', - nVDash: '⊯', - nvge: '≥', - nvgt: '>', - nvHarr: '⤄', - nvinfin: '⧞', - nvlArr: '⤂', - nvle: '≤', - nvlt: '>', - nvltrie: '⊴', - nvrArr: '⤃', - nvrtrie: '⊵', - nvsim: '∼', - nwarhk: '⤣', - nwarr: '↖', - nwArr: '⇖', - nwarrow: '↖', - nwnear: '⤧', - Oacute: 'Ó', - oacute: 'ó', - oast: '⊛', - Ocirc: 'Ô', - ocirc: 'ô', - ocir: '⊚', - Ocy: 'О', - ocy: 'о', - odash: '⊝', - Odblac: 'Ő', - odblac: 'ő', - odiv: '⨸', - odot: '⊙', - odsold: '⦼', - OElig: 'Œ', - oelig: 'œ', - ofcir: '⦿', - Ofr: '𝔒', - ofr: '𝔬', - ogon: '˛', - Ograve: 'Ò', - ograve: 'ò', - ogt: '⧁', - ohbar: '⦵', - ohm: 'Ω', - oint: '∮', - olarr: '↺', - olcir: '⦾', - olcross: '⦻', - oline: '‾', - olt: '⧀', - Omacr: 'Ō', - omacr: 'ō', - Omega: 'Ω', - omega: 'ω', - Omicron: 'Ο', - omicron: 'ο', - omid: '⦶', - ominus: '⊖', - Oopf: '𝕆', - oopf: '𝕠', - opar: '⦷', - OpenCurlyDoubleQuote: '“', - OpenCurlyQuote: '‘', - operp: '⦹', - oplus: '⊕', - orarr: '↻', - Or: '⩔', - or: '∨', - ord: '⩝', - order: 'ℴ', - orderof: 'ℴ', - ordf: 'ª', - ordm: 'º', - origof: '⊶', - oror: '⩖', - orslope: '⩗', - orv: '⩛', - oS: 'Ⓢ', - Oscr: '𝒪', - oscr: 'ℴ', - Oslash: 'Ø', - oslash: 'ø', - osol: '⊘', - Otilde: 'Õ', - otilde: 'õ', - otimesas: '⨶', - Otimes: '⨷', - otimes: '⊗', - Ouml: 'Ö', - ouml: 'ö', - ovbar: '⌽', - OverBar: '‾', - OverBrace: '⏞', - OverBracket: '⎴', - OverParenthesis: '⏜', - para: '¶', - parallel: '∥', - par: '∥', - parsim: '⫳', - parsl: '⫽', - part: '∂', - PartialD: '∂', - Pcy: 'П', - pcy: 'п', - percnt: '%', - period: '.', - permil: '‰', - perp: '⊥', - pertenk: '‱', - Pfr: '𝔓', - pfr: '𝔭', - Phi: 'Φ', - phi: 'φ', - phiv: 'ϕ', - phmmat: 'ℳ', - phone: '☎', - Pi: 'Π', - pi: 'π', - pitchfork: '⋔', - piv: 'ϖ', - planck: 'ℏ', - planckh: 'ℎ', - plankv: 'ℏ', - plusacir: '⨣', - plusb: '⊞', - pluscir: '⨢', - plus: '+', - plusdo: '∔', - plusdu: '⨥', - pluse: '⩲', - PlusMinus: '±', - plusmn: '±', - plussim: '⨦', - plustwo: '⨧', - pm: '±', - Poincareplane: 'ℌ', - pointint: '⨕', - popf: '𝕡', - Popf: 'ℙ', - pound: '£', - prap: '⪷', - Pr: '⪻', - pr: '≺', - prcue: '≼', - precapprox: '⪷', - prec: '≺', - preccurlyeq: '≼', - Precedes: '≺', - PrecedesEqual: '⪯', - PrecedesSlantEqual: '≼', - PrecedesTilde: '≾', - preceq: '⪯', - precnapprox: '⪹', - precneqq: '⪵', - precnsim: '⋨', - pre: '⪯', - prE: '⪳', - precsim: '≾', - prime: '′', - Prime: '″', - primes: 'ℙ', - prnap: '⪹', - prnE: '⪵', - prnsim: '⋨', - prod: '∏', - Product: '∏', - profalar: '⌮', - profline: '⌒', - profsurf: '⌓', - prop: '∝', - Proportional: '∝', - Proportion: '∷', - propto: '∝', - prsim: '≾', - prurel: '⊰', - Pscr: '𝒫', - pscr: '𝓅', - Psi: 'Ψ', - psi: 'ψ', - puncsp: ' ', - Qfr: '𝔔', - qfr: '𝔮', - qint: '⨌', - qopf: '𝕢', - Qopf: 'ℚ', - qprime: '⁗', - Qscr: '𝒬', - qscr: '𝓆', - quaternions: 'ℍ', - quatint: '⨖', - quest: '?', - questeq: '≟', - quot: '"', - QUOT: '"', - rAarr: '⇛', - race: '∽', - Racute: 'Ŕ', - racute: 'ŕ', - radic: '√', - raemptyv: '⦳', - rang: '⟩', - Rang: '⟫', - rangd: '⦒', - range: '⦥', - rangle: '⟩', - raquo: '»', - rarrap: '⥵', - rarrb: '⇥', - rarrbfs: '⤠', - rarrc: '⤳', - rarr: '→', - Rarr: '↠', - rArr: '⇒', - rarrfs: '⤞', - rarrhk: '↪', - rarrlp: '↬', - rarrpl: '⥅', - rarrsim: '⥴', - Rarrtl: '⤖', - rarrtl: '↣', - rarrw: '↝', - ratail: '⤚', - rAtail: '⤜', - ratio: '∶', - rationals: 'ℚ', - rbarr: '⤍', - rBarr: '⤏', - RBarr: '⤐', - rbbrk: '❳', - rbrace: '}', - rbrack: ']', - rbrke: '⦌', - rbrksld: '⦎', - rbrkslu: '⦐', - Rcaron: 'Ř', - rcaron: 'ř', - Rcedil: 'Ŗ', - rcedil: 'ŗ', - rceil: '⌉', - rcub: '}', - Rcy: 'Р', - rcy: 'р', - rdca: '⤷', - rdldhar: '⥩', - rdquo: '”', - rdquor: '”', - rdsh: '↳', - real: 'ℜ', - realine: 'ℛ', - realpart: 'ℜ', - reals: 'ℝ', - Re: 'ℜ', - rect: '▭', - reg: '®', - REG: '®', - ReverseElement: '∋', - ReverseEquilibrium: '⇋', - ReverseUpEquilibrium: '⥯', - rfisht: '⥽', - rfloor: '⌋', - rfr: '𝔯', - Rfr: 'ℜ', - rHar: '⥤', - rhard: '⇁', - rharu: '⇀', - rharul: '⥬', - Rho: 'Ρ', - rho: 'ρ', - rhov: 'ϱ', - RightAngleBracket: '⟩', - RightArrowBar: '⇥', - rightarrow: '→', - RightArrow: '→', - Rightarrow: '⇒', - RightArrowLeftArrow: '⇄', - rightarrowtail: '↣', - RightCeiling: '⌉', - RightDoubleBracket: '⟧', - RightDownTeeVector: '⥝', - RightDownVectorBar: '⥕', - RightDownVector: '⇂', - RightFloor: '⌋', - rightharpoondown: '⇁', - rightharpoonup: '⇀', - rightleftarrows: '⇄', - rightleftharpoons: '⇌', - rightrightarrows: '⇉', - rightsquigarrow: '↝', - RightTeeArrow: '↦', - RightTee: '⊢', - RightTeeVector: '⥛', - rightthreetimes: '⋌', - RightTriangleBar: '⧐', - RightTriangle: '⊳', - RightTriangleEqual: '⊵', - RightUpDownVector: '⥏', - RightUpTeeVector: '⥜', - RightUpVectorBar: '⥔', - RightUpVector: '↾', - RightVectorBar: '⥓', - RightVector: '⇀', - ring: '˚', - risingdotseq: '≓', - rlarr: '⇄', - rlhar: '⇌', - rlm: '', - rmoustache: '⎱', - rmoust: '⎱', - rnmid: '⫮', - roang: '⟭', - roarr: '⇾', - robrk: '⟧', - ropar: '⦆', - ropf: '𝕣', - Ropf: 'ℝ', - roplus: '⨮', - rotimes: '⨵', - RoundImplies: '⥰', - rpar: ')', - rpargt: '⦔', - rppolint: '⨒', - rrarr: '⇉', - Rrightarrow: '⇛', - rsaquo: '›', - rscr: '𝓇', - Rscr: 'ℛ', - rsh: '↱', - Rsh: '↱', - rsqb: ']', - rsquo: '’', - rsquor: '’', - rthree: '⋌', - rtimes: '⋊', - rtri: '▹', - rtrie: '⊵', - rtrif: '▸', - rtriltri: '⧎', - RuleDelayed: '⧴', - ruluhar: '⥨', - rx: '℞', - Sacute: 'Ś', - sacute: 'ś', - sbquo: '‚', - scap: '⪸', - Scaron: 'Š', - scaron: 'š', - Sc: '⪼', - sc: '≻', - sccue: '≽', - sce: '⪰', - scE: '⪴', - Scedil: 'Ş', - scedil: 'ş', - Scirc: 'Ŝ', - scirc: 'ŝ', - scnap: '⪺', - scnE: '⪶', - scnsim: '⋩', - scpolint: '⨓', - scsim: '≿', - Scy: 'С', - scy: 'с', - sdotb: '⊡', - sdot: '⋅', - sdote: '⩦', - searhk: '⤥', - searr: '↘', - seArr: '⇘', - searrow: '↘', - sect: '§', - semi: ';', - seswar: '⤩', - setminus: '∖', - setmn: '∖', - sext: '✶', - Sfr: '𝔖', - sfr: '𝔰', - sfrown: '⌢', - sharp: '♯', - SHCHcy: 'Щ', - shchcy: 'щ', - SHcy: 'Ш', - shcy: 'ш', - ShortDownArrow: '↓', - ShortLeftArrow: '←', - shortmid: '∣', - shortparallel: '∥', - ShortRightArrow: '→', - ShortUpArrow: '↑', - shy: '', - Sigma: 'Σ', - sigma: 'σ', - sigmaf: 'ς', - sigmav: 'ς', - sim: '∼', - simdot: '⩪', - sime: '≃', - simeq: '≃', - simg: '⪞', - simgE: '⪠', - siml: '⪝', - simlE: '⪟', - simne: '≆', - simplus: '⨤', - simrarr: '⥲', - slarr: '←', - SmallCircle: '∘', - smallsetminus: '∖', - smashp: '⨳', - smeparsl: '⧤', - smid: '∣', - smile: '⌣', - smt: '⪪', - smte: '⪬', - smtes: '⪬', - SOFTcy: 'Ь', - softcy: 'ь', - solbar: '⌿', - solb: '⧄', - sol: '/', - Sopf: '𝕊', - sopf: '𝕤', - spades: '♠', - spadesuit: '♠', - spar: '∥', - sqcap: '⊓', - sqcaps: '⊓', - sqcup: '⊔', - sqcups: '⊔', - Sqrt: '√', - sqsub: '⊏', - sqsube: '⊑', - sqsubset: '⊏', - sqsubseteq: '⊑', - sqsup: '⊐', - sqsupe: '⊒', - sqsupset: '⊐', - sqsupseteq: '⊒', - square: '□', - Square: '□', - SquareIntersection: '⊓', - SquareSubset: '⊏', - SquareSubsetEqual: '⊑', - SquareSuperset: '⊐', - SquareSupersetEqual: '⊒', - SquareUnion: '⊔', - squarf: '▪', - squ: '□', - squf: '▪', - srarr: '→', - Sscr: '𝒮', - sscr: '𝓈', - ssetmn: '∖', - ssmile: '⌣', - sstarf: '⋆', - Star: '⋆', - star: '☆', - starf: '★', - straightepsilon: 'ϵ', - straightphi: 'ϕ', - strns: '¯', - sub: '⊂', - Sub: '⋐', - subdot: '⪽', - subE: '⫅', - sube: '⊆', - subedot: '⫃', - submult: '⫁', - subnE: '⫋', - subne: '⊊', - subplus: '⪿', - subrarr: '⥹', - subset: '⊂', - Subset: '⋐', - subseteq: '⊆', - subseteqq: '⫅', - SubsetEqual: '⊆', - subsetneq: '⊊', - subsetneqq: '⫋', - subsim: '⫇', - subsub: '⫕', - subsup: '⫓', - succapprox: '⪸', - succ: '≻', - succcurlyeq: '≽', - Succeeds: '≻', - SucceedsEqual: '⪰', - SucceedsSlantEqual: '≽', - SucceedsTilde: '≿', - succeq: '⪰', - succnapprox: '⪺', - succneqq: '⪶', - succnsim: '⋩', - succsim: '≿', - SuchThat: '∋', - sum: '∑', - Sum: '∑', - sung: '♪', - sup1: '¹', - sup2: '²', - sup3: '³', - sup: '⊃', - Sup: '⋑', - supdot: '⪾', - supdsub: '⫘', - supE: '⫆', - supe: '⊇', - supedot: '⫄', - Superset: '⊃', - SupersetEqual: '⊇', - suphsol: '⟉', - suphsub: '⫗', - suplarr: '⥻', - supmult: '⫂', - supnE: '⫌', - supne: '⊋', - supplus: '⫀', - supset: '⊃', - Supset: '⋑', - supseteq: '⊇', - supseteqq: '⫆', - supsetneq: '⊋', - supsetneqq: '⫌', - supsim: '⫈', - supsub: '⫔', - supsup: '⫖', - swarhk: '⤦', - swarr: '↙', - swArr: '⇙', - swarrow: '↙', - swnwar: '⤪', - szlig: 'ß', - Tab: ' ', - target: '⌖', - Tau: 'Τ', - tau: 'τ', - tbrk: '⎴', - Tcaron: 'Ť', - tcaron: 'ť', - Tcedil: 'Ţ', - tcedil: 'ţ', - Tcy: 'Т', - tcy: 'т', - tdot: '⃛', - telrec: '⌕', - Tfr: '𝔗', - tfr: '𝔱', - there4: '∴', - therefore: '∴', - Therefore: '∴', - Theta: 'Θ', - theta: 'θ', - thetasym: 'ϑ', - thetav: 'ϑ', - thickapprox: '≈', - thicksim: '∼', - ThickSpace: ' ', - ThinSpace: ' ', - thinsp: ' ', - thkap: '≈', - thksim: '∼', - THORN: 'Þ', - thorn: 'þ', - tilde: '˜', - Tilde: '∼', - TildeEqual: '≃', - TildeFullEqual: '≅', - TildeTilde: '≈', - timesbar: '⨱', - timesb: '⊠', - times: '×', - timesd: '⨰', - tint: '∭', - toea: '⤨', - topbot: '⌶', - topcir: '⫱', - top: '⊤', - Topf: '𝕋', - topf: '𝕥', - topfork: '⫚', - tosa: '⤩', - tprime: '‴', - trade: '™', - TRADE: '™', - triangle: '▵', - triangledown: '▿', - triangleleft: '◃', - trianglelefteq: '⊴', - triangleq: '≜', - triangleright: '▹', - trianglerighteq: '⊵', - tridot: '◬', - trie: '≜', - triminus: '⨺', - TripleDot: '⃛', - triplus: '⨹', - trisb: '⧍', - tritime: '⨻', - trpezium: '⏢', - Tscr: '𝒯', - tscr: '𝓉', - TScy: 'Ц', - tscy: 'ц', - TSHcy: 'Ћ', - tshcy: 'ћ', - Tstrok: 'Ŧ', - tstrok: 'ŧ', - twixt: '≬', - twoheadleftarrow: '↞', - twoheadrightarrow: '↠', - Uacute: 'Ú', - uacute: 'ú', - uarr: '↑', - Uarr: '↟', - uArr: '⇑', - Uarrocir: '⥉', - Ubrcy: 'Ў', - ubrcy: 'ў', - Ubreve: 'Ŭ', - ubreve: 'ŭ', - Ucirc: 'Û', - ucirc: 'û', - Ucy: 'У', - ucy: 'у', - udarr: '⇅', - Udblac: 'Ű', - udblac: 'ű', - udhar: '⥮', - ufisht: '⥾', - Ufr: '𝔘', - ufr: '𝔲', - Ugrave: 'Ù', - ugrave: 'ù', - uHar: '⥣', - uharl: '↿', - uharr: '↾', - uhblk: '▀', - ulcorn: '⌜', - ulcorner: '⌜', - ulcrop: '⌏', - ultri: '◸', - Umacr: 'Ū', - umacr: 'ū', - uml: '¨', - UnderBar: '_', - UnderBrace: '⏟', - UnderBracket: '⎵', - UnderParenthesis: '⏝', - Union: '⋃', - UnionPlus: '⊎', - Uogon: 'Ų', - uogon: 'ų', - Uopf: '𝕌', - uopf: '𝕦', - UpArrowBar: '⤒', - uparrow: '↑', - UpArrow: '↑', - Uparrow: '⇑', - UpArrowDownArrow: '⇅', - updownarrow: '↕', - UpDownArrow: '↕', - Updownarrow: '⇕', - UpEquilibrium: '⥮', - upharpoonleft: '↿', - upharpoonright: '↾', - uplus: '⊎', - UpperLeftArrow: '↖', - UpperRightArrow: '↗', - upsi: 'υ', - Upsi: 'ϒ', - upsih: 'ϒ', - Upsilon: 'Υ', - upsilon: 'υ', - UpTeeArrow: '↥', - UpTee: '⊥', - upuparrows: '⇈', - urcorn: '⌝', - urcorner: '⌝', - urcrop: '⌎', - Uring: 'Ů', - uring: 'ů', - urtri: '◹', - Uscr: '𝒰', - uscr: '𝓊', - utdot: '⋰', - Utilde: 'Ũ', - utilde: 'ũ', - utri: '▵', - utrif: '▴', - uuarr: '⇈', - Uuml: 'Ü', - uuml: 'ü', - uwangle: '⦧', - vangrt: '⦜', - varepsilon: 'ϵ', - varkappa: 'ϰ', - varnothing: '∅', - varphi: 'ϕ', - varpi: 'ϖ', - varpropto: '∝', - varr: '↕', - vArr: '⇕', - varrho: 'ϱ', - varsigma: 'ς', - varsubsetneq: '⊊', - varsubsetneqq: '⫋', - varsupsetneq: '⊋', - varsupsetneqq: '⫌', - vartheta: 'ϑ', - vartriangleleft: '⊲', - vartriangleright: '⊳', - vBar: '⫨', - Vbar: '⫫', - vBarv: '⫩', - Vcy: 'В', - vcy: 'в', - vdash: '⊢', - vDash: '⊨', - Vdash: '⊩', - VDash: '⊫', - Vdashl: '⫦', - veebar: '⊻', - vee: '∨', - Vee: '⋁', - veeeq: '≚', - vellip: '⋮', - verbar: '|', - Verbar: '‖', - vert: '|', - Vert: '‖', - VerticalBar: '∣', - VerticalLine: '|', - VerticalSeparator: '❘', - VerticalTilde: '≀', - VeryThinSpace: ' ', - Vfr: '𝔙', - vfr: '𝔳', - vltri: '⊲', - vnsub: '⊂', - vnsup: '⊃', - Vopf: '𝕍', - vopf: '𝕧', - vprop: '∝', - vrtri: '⊳', - Vscr: '𝒱', - vscr: '𝓋', - vsubnE: '⫋', - vsubne: '⊊', - vsupnE: '⫌', - vsupne: '⊋', - Vvdash: '⊪', - vzigzag: '⦚', - Wcirc: 'Ŵ', - wcirc: 'ŵ', - wedbar: '⩟', - wedge: '∧', - Wedge: '⋀', - wedgeq: '≙', - weierp: '℘', - Wfr: '𝔚', - wfr: '𝔴', - Wopf: '𝕎', - wopf: '𝕨', - wp: '℘', - wr: '≀', - wreath: '≀', - Wscr: '𝒲', - wscr: '𝓌', - xcap: '⋂', - xcirc: '◯', - xcup: '⋃', - xdtri: '▽', - Xfr: '𝔛', - xfr: '𝔵', - xharr: '⟷', - xhArr: '⟺', - Xi: 'Ξ', - xi: 'ξ', - xlarr: '⟵', - xlArr: '⟸', - xmap: '⟼', - xnis: '⋻', - xodot: '⨀', - Xopf: '𝕏', - xopf: '𝕩', - xoplus: '⨁', - xotime: '⨂', - xrarr: '⟶', - xrArr: '⟹', - Xscr: '𝒳', - xscr: '𝓍', - xsqcup: '⨆', - xuplus: '⨄', - xutri: '△', - xvee: '⋁', - xwedge: '⋀', - Yacute: 'Ý', - yacute: 'ý', - YAcy: 'Я', - yacy: 'я', - Ycirc: 'Ŷ', - ycirc: 'ŷ', - Ycy: 'Ы', - ycy: 'ы', - yen: '¥', - Yfr: '𝔜', - yfr: '𝔶', - YIcy: 'Ї', - yicy: 'ї', - Yopf: '𝕐', - yopf: '𝕪', - Yscr: '𝒴', - yscr: '𝓎', - YUcy: 'Ю', - yucy: 'ю', - yuml: 'ÿ', - Yuml: 'Ÿ', - Zacute: 'Ź', - zacute: 'ź', - Zcaron: 'Ž', - zcaron: 'ž', - Zcy: 'З', - zcy: 'з', - Zdot: 'Ż', - zdot: 'ż', - zeetrf: 'ℨ', - ZeroWidthSpace: '', - Zeta: 'Ζ', - zeta: 'ζ', - zfr: '𝔷', - Zfr: 'ℨ', - ZHcy: 'Ж', - zhcy: 'ж', - zigrarr: '⇝', - zopf: '𝕫', - Zopf: 'ℤ', - Zscr: '𝒵', - zscr: '𝓏', - zwj: '', - zwnj: '' }; - - // Constants for character codes: - - var C_NEWLINE = 10; - var C_SPACE = 32; - var C_ASTERISK = 42; - var C_UNDERSCORE = 95; - var C_BACKTICK = 96; - var C_OPEN_BRACKET = 91; - var C_CLOSE_BRACKET = 93; - var C_LESSTHAN = 60; - var C_GREATERTHAN = 62; - var C_BANG = 33; - var C_BACKSLASH = 92; - var C_AMPERSAND = 38; - var C_OPEN_PAREN = 40; - var C_COLON = 58; - - // Some regexps used in inline parser: - - var ESCAPABLE = '[!"#$%&\'()*+,./:;<=>?@[\\\\\\]^_`{|}~-]'; - var ESCAPED_CHAR = '\\\\' + ESCAPABLE; - var IN_DOUBLE_QUOTES = '"(' + ESCAPED_CHAR + '|[^"\\x00])*"'; - var IN_SINGLE_QUOTES = '\'(' + ESCAPED_CHAR + '|[^\'\\x00])*\''; - var IN_PARENS = '\\((' + ESCAPED_CHAR + '|[^)\\x00])*\\)'; - var REG_CHAR = '[^\\\\()\\x00-\\x20]'; - var IN_PARENS_NOSP = '\\((' + REG_CHAR + '|' + ESCAPED_CHAR + ')*\\)'; - var TAGNAME = '[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]*'; - var BLOCKTAGNAME = '(?:article|header|aside|hgroup|iframe|blockquote|hr|body|li|map|button|object|canvas|ol|caption|output|col|p|colgroup|pre|dd|progress|div|section|dl|table|td|dt|tbody|embed|textarea|fieldset|tfoot|figcaption|th|figure|thead|footer|footer|tr|form|ul|h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|video|script|style)'; - var ATTRIBUTENAME = '[a-zA-Z_:][a-zA-Z0-9:._-]*'; - var UNQUOTEDVALUE = "[^\"'=<>`\\x00-\\x20]+"; - var SINGLEQUOTEDVALUE = "'[^']*'"; - var DOUBLEQUOTEDVALUE = '"[^"]*"'; - var ATTRIBUTEVALUE = "(?:" + UNQUOTEDVALUE + "|" + SINGLEQUOTEDVALUE + "|" + DOUBLEQUOTEDVALUE + ")"; - var ATTRIBUTEVALUESPEC = "(?:" + "\\s*=" + "\\s*" + ATTRIBUTEVALUE + ")"; - var ATTRIBUTE = "(?:" + "\\s+" + ATTRIBUTENAME + ATTRIBUTEVALUESPEC + "?)"; - var OPENTAG = "<" + TAGNAME + ATTRIBUTE + "*" + "\\s*/?>"; - var CLOSETAG = "</" + TAGNAME + "\\s*[>]"; - var OPENBLOCKTAG = "<" + BLOCKTAGNAME + ATTRIBUTE + "*" + "\\s*/?>"; - var CLOSEBLOCKTAG = "</" + BLOCKTAGNAME + "\\s*[>]"; - var HTMLCOMMENT = "<!--([^-]+|[-][^-]+)*-->"; - var PROCESSINGINSTRUCTION = "[<][?].*?[?][>]"; - var DECLARATION = "<![A-Z]+" + "\\s+[^>]*>"; - var CDATA = "<!\\[CDATA\\[([^\\]]+|\\][^\\]]|\\]\\][^>])*\\]\\]>"; - var HTMLTAG = "(?:" + OPENTAG + "|" + CLOSETAG + "|" + HTMLCOMMENT + "|" + - PROCESSINGINSTRUCTION + "|" + DECLARATION + "|" + CDATA + ")"; - var HTMLBLOCKOPEN = "<(?:" + BLOCKTAGNAME + "[\\s/>]" + "|" + - "/" + BLOCKTAGNAME + "[\\s>]" + "|" + "[?!])"; - var ENTITY = "&(?:#x[a-f0-9]{1,8}|#[0-9]{1,8}|[a-z][a-z0-9]{1,31});"; - - var reHtmlTag = new RegExp('^' + HTMLTAG, 'i'); - - var reHtmlBlockOpen = new RegExp('^' + HTMLBLOCKOPEN, 'i'); - - var reLinkTitle = new RegExp( - '^(?:"(' + ESCAPED_CHAR + '|[^"\\x00])*"' + - '|' + - '\'(' + ESCAPED_CHAR + '|[^\'\\x00])*\'' + - '|' + - '\\((' + ESCAPED_CHAR + '|[^)\\x00])*\\))'); - - var reLinkDestinationBraces = new RegExp( - '^(?:[<](?:[^<>\\n\\\\\\x00]' + '|' + ESCAPED_CHAR + '|' + '\\\\)*[>])'); - - var reLinkDestination = new RegExp( - '^(?:' + REG_CHAR + '+|' + ESCAPED_CHAR + '|' + IN_PARENS_NOSP + ')*'); - - var reEscapable = new RegExp(ESCAPABLE); - - var reAllEscapedChar = new RegExp('\\\\(' + ESCAPABLE + ')', 'g'); - - var reEscapedChar = new RegExp('^\\\\(' + ESCAPABLE + ')'); - - var reAllTab = /\t/g; - - var reHrule = /^(?:(?:\* *){3,}|(?:_ *){3,}|(?:- *){3,}) *$/; - - var reEntityHere = new RegExp('^' + ENTITY, 'i'); - - var reEntity = new RegExp(ENTITY, 'gi'); - - // Matches a character with a special meaning in markdown, - // or a string of non-special characters. Note: we match - // clumps of _ or * or `, because they need to be handled in groups. - var reMain = /^(?:[_*`\n]+|[\[\]\\!<&*_]|(?: *[^\n `\[\]\\!<&*_]+)+|[ \n]+)/m; - - // UTILITY FUNCTIONS - // polyfill for fromCodePoint: - // https://github.com/mathiasbynens/String.fromCodePoint - /*! http://mths.be/fromcodepoint v0.2.1 by @mathias */ - if (!String.fromCodePoint) { - (function() { - var defineProperty = (function() { - // IE 8 only supports `Object.defineProperty` on DOM elements - try { - var object = {}; - var $defineProperty = Object.defineProperty; - var result = $defineProperty(object, object, object) && $defineProperty; - } catch(error) {} - return result; - }()); - var stringFromCharCode = String.fromCharCode; - var floor = Math.floor; - var fromCodePoint = function(_) { - var MAX_SIZE = 0x4000; - var codeUnits = []; - var highSurrogate; - var lowSurrogate; - var index = -1; - var length = arguments.length; - if (!length) { - return ''; - } - var result = ''; - while (++index < length) { - var codePoint = Number(arguments[index]); - if ( - !isFinite(codePoint) || // `NaN`, `+Infinity`, or `-Infinity` - codePoint < 0 || // not a valid Unicode code point - codePoint > 0x10FFFF || // not a valid Unicode code point - floor(codePoint) != codePoint // not an integer - ) { - return String.fromCharCode(0xFFFD); - } - if (codePoint <= 0xFFFF) { // BMP code point - codeUnits.push(codePoint); - } else { // Astral code point; split in surrogate halves - // http://mathiasbynens.be/notes/javascript-encoding#surrogate-formulae - codePoint -= 0x10000; - highSurrogate = (codePoint >> 10) + 0xD800; - lowSurrogate = (codePoint % 0x400) + 0xDC00; - codeUnits.push(highSurrogate, lowSurrogate); - } - if (index + 1 == length || codeUnits.length > MAX_SIZE) { - result += stringFromCharCode.apply(null, codeUnits); - codeUnits.length = 0; - } - } - return result; - }; - if (defineProperty) { - defineProperty(String, 'fromCodePoint', { - 'value': fromCodePoint, - 'configurable': true, - 'writable': true - }); - } else { - String.fromCodePoint = fromCodePoint; - } - }()); - } - - var entityToChar = function(m) { - var isNumeric = /^&#/.test(m); - var isHex = /^&#[Xx]/.test(m); - var uchar; - if (isNumeric) { - var num; - if (isHex) { - num = parseInt(m.slice(3,-1), 16); - } else { - num = parseInt(m.slice(2,-1), 10); - } - uchar = String.fromCodePoint(num); - } else { - uchar = entities[m.slice(1,-1)]; - } - return (uchar || m); - }; - - // Replace entities and backslash escapes with literal characters. - var unescapeEntBS = function(s) { - return s.replace(reAllEscapedChar, '$1') - .replace(reEntity, entityToChar); - }; - - // Returns true if string contains only space characters. - var isBlank = function(s) { - return /^\s*$/.test(s); - }; - - // Normalize reference label: collapse internal whitespace - // to single space, remove leading/trailing whitespace, case fold. - var normalizeReference = function(s) { - return s.trim() - .replace(/\s+/,' ') - .toUpperCase(); - }; - - // Attempt to match a regex in string s at offset offset. - // Return index of match or null. - var matchAt = function(re, s, offset) { - var res = s.slice(offset).match(re); - if (res) { - return offset + res.index; - } else { - return null; - } - }; - - // Convert tabs to spaces on each line using a 4-space tab stop. - var detabLine = function(text) { - if (text.indexOf('\t') == -1) { - return text; - } else { - var lastStop = 0; - return text.replace(reAllTab, function(match, offset) { - var result = ' '.slice((offset - lastStop) % 4); - lastStop = offset + 1; - return result; - }); - } - }; - - // INLINE PARSER - - // These are methods of an InlineParser object, defined below. - // An InlineParser keeps track of a subject (a string to be - // parsed) and a position in that subject. - - // If re matches at current position in the subject, advance - // position in subject and return the match; otherwise return null. - var match = function(re) { - var match = re.exec(this.subject.slice(this.pos)); - if (match) { - this.pos += match.index + match[0].length; - return match[0]; - } else { - return null; - } - }; - - // Returns the code for the character at the current subject position, or -1 - // there are no more characters. - var peek = function() { - if (this.pos < this.subject.length) { - return this.subject.charCodeAt(this.pos); - } else { - return -1; - } - }; - - // Parse zero or more space characters, including at most one newline - var spnl = function() { - this.match(/^ *(?:\n *)?/); - return 1; - }; - - // All of the parsers below try to match something at the current position - // in the subject. If they succeed in matching anything, they - // return the inline matched, advancing the subject. - - // Attempt to parse backticks, returning either a backtick code span or a - // literal sequence of backticks. - var parseBackticks = function(inlines) { - var startpos = this.pos; - var ticks = this.match(/^`+/); - if (!ticks) { - return 0; - } - var afterOpenTicks = this.pos; - var foundCode = false; - var match; - while (!foundCode && (match = this.match(/`+/m))) { - if (match == ticks) { - inlines.push({ t: 'Code', c: this.subject.slice(afterOpenTicks, - this.pos - ticks.length) - .replace(/[ \n]+/g,' ') - .trim() }); - return true; - } - } - // If we got here, we didn't match a closing backtick sequence. - this.pos = afterOpenTicks; - inlines.push({ t: 'Str', c: ticks }); - return true; - }; - - // Parse a backslash-escaped special character, adding either the escaped - // character, a hard line break (if the backslash is followed by a newline), - // or a literal backslash to the 'inlines' list. - var parseBackslash = function(inlines) { - var subj = this.subject, - pos = this.pos; - if (subj.charCodeAt(pos) === C_BACKSLASH) { - if (subj.charAt(pos + 1) === '\n') { - this.pos = this.pos + 2; - inlines.push({ t: 'Hardbreak' }); - } else if (reEscapable.test(subj.charAt(pos + 1))) { - this.pos = this.pos + 2; - inlines.push({ t: 'Str', c: subj.charAt(pos + 1) }); - } else { - this.pos++; - inlines.push({t: 'Str', c: '\\'}); - } - return true; - } else { - return false; - } - }; - - // Attempt to parse an autolink (URL or email in pointy brackets). - var parseAutolink = function(inlines) { - var m; - var dest; - if ((m = this.match(/^<([a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+\/=?^_`{|}~-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?)*)>/))) { // email autolink - dest = m.slice(1,-1); - inlines.push( - {t: 'Link', - label: [{ t: 'Str', c: dest }], - destination: 'mailto:' + encodeURI(unescape(dest)) }); - return true; - } else if ((m = this.match(/^<(?:coap|doi|javascript|aaa|aaas|about|acap|cap|cid|crid|data|dav|dict|dns|file|ftp|geo|go|gopher|h323|http|https|iax|icap|im|imap|info|ipp|iris|iris.beep|iris.xpc|iris.xpcs|iris.lwz|ldap|mailto|mid|msrp|msrps|mtqp|mupdate|news|nfs|ni|nih|nntp|opaquelocktoken|pop|pres|rtsp|service|session|shttp|sieve|sip|sips|sms|snmp|soap.beep|soap.beeps|tag|tel|telnet|tftp|thismessage|tn3270|tip|tv|urn|vemmi|ws|wss|xcon|xcon-userid|xmlrpc.beep|xmlrpc.beeps|xmpp|z39.50r|z39.50s|adiumxtra|afp|afs|aim|apt|attachment|aw|beshare|bitcoin|bolo|callto|chrome|chrome-extension|com-eventbrite-attendee|content|cvs|dlna-playsingle|dlna-playcontainer|dtn|dvb|ed2k|facetime|feed|finger|fish|gg|git|gizmoproject|gtalk|hcp|icon|ipn|irc|irc6|ircs|itms|jar|jms|keyparc|lastfm|ldaps|magnet|maps|market|message|mms|ms-help|msnim|mumble|mvn|notes|oid|palm|paparazzi|platform|proxy|psyc|query|res|resource|rmi|rsync|rtmp|secondlife|sftp|sgn|skype|smb|soldat|spotify|ssh|steam|svn|teamspeak|things|udp|unreal|ut2004|ventrilo|view-source|webcal|wtai|wyciwyg|xfire|xri|ymsgr):[^<>\x00-\x20]*>/i))) { - dest = m.slice(1,-1); - inlines.push({ - t: 'Link', - label: [{ t: 'Str', c: dest }], - destination: encodeURI(unescape(dest)) }); - return true; - } else { - return false; - } - }; - - // Attempt to parse a raw HTML tag. - var parseHtmlTag = function(inlines) { - var m = this.match(reHtmlTag); - if (m) { - inlines.push({ t: 'Html', c: m }); - return true; - } else { - return false; - } - }; - - // Scan a sequence of characters with code cc, and return information about - // the number of delimiters and whether they are positioned such that - // they can open and/or close emphasis or strong emphasis. A utility - // function for strong/emph parsing. - var scanDelims = function(cc) { - var numdelims = 0; - var first_close_delims = 0; - var char_before, char_after, cc_after; - var startpos = this.pos; - - char_before = this.pos === 0 ? '\n' : - this.subject.charAt(this.pos - 1); - - while (this.peek() === cc) { - numdelims++; - this.pos++; - } - - cc_after = this.peek(); - if (cc_after === -1) { - char_after = '\n'; - } else { - char_after = String.fromCodePoint(cc_after); - } - - var can_open = numdelims > 0 && numdelims <= 3 && !(/\s/.test(char_after)); - var can_close = numdelims > 0 && numdelims <= 3 && !(/\s/.test(char_before)); - if (cc === C_UNDERSCORE) { - can_open = can_open && !((/[a-z0-9]/i).test(char_before)); - can_close = can_close && !((/[a-z0-9]/i).test(char_after)); - } - this.pos = startpos; - return { numdelims: numdelims, - can_open: can_open, - can_close: can_close }; - }; - - var Emph = function(ils) { - return {t: 'Emph', c: ils}; - }; - - var Strong = function(ils) { - return {t: 'Strong', c: ils}; - }; - - var Str = function(s) { - return {t: 'Str', c: s}; - }; - - // Attempt to parse emphasis or strong emphasis. - var parseEmphasis = function(cc,inlines) { - var startpos = this.pos; - var c ; - var first_close = 0; - c = String.fromCodePoint(cc); - - var numdelims; - var numclosedelims; - var delimpos; - - // Get opening delimiters. - res = this.scanDelims(cc); - numdelims = res.numdelims; - - if (numdelims === 0) { - this.pos = startpos; - return false; - } - - if (numdelims >= 4 || !res.can_open) { - this.pos += numdelims; - inlines.push(Str(this.subject.slice(startpos, startpos + numdelims))); - return true; - } - - this.pos += numdelims; - - var delims_to_match = numdelims; - - var current = []; - var firstend; - var firstpos; - var state = 0; - var can_close = false; - var can_open = false; - var last_emphasis_closer = null; - while (this.last_emphasis_closer[c] >= this.pos) { - res = this.scanDelims(cc); - numclosedelims = res.numdelims; - - if (res.can_close) { - if (last_emphasis_closer === null || - last_emphasis_closer < this.pos) { - last_emphasis_closer = this.pos; - } - if (numclosedelims === 3 && delims_to_match === 3) { - delims_to_match -= 3; - this.pos += 3; - current = [{t: 'Strong', c: [{t: 'Emph', c: current}]}]; - } else if (numclosedelims >= 2 && delims_to_match >= 2) { - delims_to_match -= 2; - this.pos += 2; - firstend = current.length; - firstpos = this.pos; - current = [{t: 'Strong', c: current}]; - } else if (numclosedelims >= 1 && delims_to_match >= 1) { - delims_to_match -= 1; - this.pos += 1; - firstend = current.length; - firstpos = this.pos; - current = [{t: 'Emph', c: current}]; - } else { - if (!(this.parseInline(current,true))) { - break; - } - } - if (delims_to_match === 0) { - Array.prototype.push.apply(inlines, current); - return true; - } - } else if (!(this.parseInline(current,true))) { - break; - } - } - - // we didn't match emphasis: fallback - inlines.push(Str(this.subject.slice(startpos, - startpos + delims_to_match))); - if (delims_to_match < numdelims) { - Array.prototype.push.apply(inlines, current.slice(0,firstend)); - this.pos = firstpos; - } else { // delims_to_match === numdelims - this.pos = startpos + delims_to_match; - } - - if (last_emphasis_closer) { - this.last_emphasis_closer[c] = last_emphasis_closer; - } - return true; - }; - - // Attempt to parse link title (sans quotes), returning the string - // or null if no match. - var parseLinkTitle = function() { - var title = this.match(reLinkTitle); - if (title) { - // chop off quotes from title and unescape: - return unescapeEntBS(title.substr(1, title.length - 2)); - } else { - return null; - } - }; - - // Attempt to parse link destination, returning the string or - // null if no match. - var parseLinkDestination = function() { - var res = this.match(reLinkDestinationBraces); - if (res) { // chop off surrounding <..>: - return encodeURI(unescape(unescapeEntBS(res.substr(1, res.length - 2)))); - } else { - res = this.match(reLinkDestination); - if (res !== null) { - return encodeURI(unescape(unescapeEntBS(res))); - } else { - return null; - } - } - }; - - // Attempt to parse a link label, returning number of characters parsed. - var parseLinkLabel = function() { - if (this.peek() != C_OPEN_BRACKET) { - return 0; - } - var startpos = this.pos; - var nest_level = 0; - if (this.label_nest_level > 0) { - // If we've already checked to the end of this subject - // for a label, even with a different starting [, we - // know we won't find one here and we can just return. - // This avoids lots of backtracking. - // Note: nest level 1 would be: [foo [bar] - // nest level 2 would be: [foo [bar [baz] - this.label_nest_level--; - return 0; - } - this.pos++; // advance past [ - var c; - while ((c = this.peek()) && c != -1 && (c != C_CLOSE_BRACKET || nest_level > 0)) { - switch (c) { - case C_BACKTICK: - this.parseBackticks([]); - break; - case C_LESSTHAN: - if (!(this.parseAutolink([]) || this.parseHtmlTag([]))) { - this.pos++; - } - break; - case C_OPEN_BRACKET: // nested [] - nest_level++; - this.pos++; - break; - case C_CLOSE_BRACKET: // nested [] - nest_level--; - this.pos++; - break; - case C_BACKSLASH: - this.parseBackslash([]); - break; - default: - this.parseString([]); - } - } - if (c === C_CLOSE_BRACKET) { - this.label_nest_level = 0; - this.pos++; // advance past ] - return this.pos - startpos; - } else { - if (c === -1) { - this.label_nest_level = nest_level; - } - this.pos = startpos; - return 0; - } - }; - - // Parse raw link label, including surrounding [], and return - // inline contents. (Note: this is not a method of InlineParser.) - var parseRawLabel = function(s) { - // note: parse without a refmap; we don't want links to resolve - // in nested brackets! - return new InlineParser().parse(s.substr(1, s.length - 2), {}); - }; - - // Attempt to parse a link. If successful, return the link. - var parseLink = function(inlines) { - var startpos = this.pos; - var reflabel; - var n; - var dest; - var title; - - n = this.parseLinkLabel(); - if (n === 0) { - return false; - } - var afterlabel = this.pos; - var rawlabel = this.subject.substr(startpos, n); - - // if we got this far, we've parsed a label. - // Try to parse an explicit link: [label](url "title") - if (this.peek() == C_OPEN_PAREN) { - this.pos++; - if (this.spnl() && - ((dest = this.parseLinkDestination()) !== null) && - this.spnl() && - // make sure there's a space before the title: - (/^\s/.test(this.subject.charAt(this.pos - 1)) && - (title = this.parseLinkTitle() || '') || true) && - this.spnl() && - this.match(/^\)/)) { - inlines.push({ t: 'Link', - destination: dest, - title: title, - label: parseRawLabel(rawlabel) }); - return true; - } else { - this.pos = startpos; - return false; - } - } - // If we're here, it wasn't an explicit link. Try to parse a reference link. - // first, see if there's another label - var savepos = this.pos; - this.spnl(); - var beforelabel = this.pos; - n = this.parseLinkLabel(); - if (n == 2) { - // empty second label - reflabel = rawlabel; - } else if (n > 0) { - reflabel = this.subject.slice(beforelabel, beforelabel + n); - } else { - this.pos = savepos; - reflabel = rawlabel; - } - // lookup rawlabel in refmap - var link = this.refmap[normalizeReference(reflabel)]; - if (link) { - inlines.push({t: 'Link', - destination: link.destination, - title: link.title, - label: parseRawLabel(rawlabel) }); - return true; - } else { - this.pos = startpos; - return false; - } - // Nothing worked, rewind: - this.pos = startpos; - return false; - }; - - // Attempt to parse an entity, return Entity object if successful. - var parseEntity = function(inlines) { - var m; - if ((m = this.match(reEntityHere))) { - inlines.push({ t: 'Str', c: entityToChar(m) }); - return true; - } else { - return false; - } - }; - - // Parse a run of ordinary characters, or a single character with - // a special meaning in markdown, as a plain string, adding to inlines. - var parseString = function(inlines) { - var m; - if ((m = this.match(reMain))) { - inlines.push({ t: 'Str', c: m }); - return true; - } else { - return false; - } - }; - - // Parse a newline. If it was preceded by two spaces, return a hard - // line break; otherwise a soft line break. - var parseNewline = function(inlines) { - var m = this.match(/^ *\n/); - if (m) { - if (m.length > 2) { - inlines.push({ t: 'Hardbreak' }); - } else if (m.length > 0) { - inlines.push({ t: 'Softbreak' }); - } - return true; - } - return false; - }; - - // Attempt to parse an image. If the opening '!' is not followed - // by a link, return a literal '!'. - var parseImage = function(inlines) { - if (this.match(/^!/)) { - var link = this.parseLink(inlines); - if (link) { - inlines[inlines.length - 1].t = 'Image'; - return true; - } else { - inlines.push({ t: 'Str', c: '!' }); - return true; - } - } else { - return false; - } - }; - - // Attempt to parse a link reference, modifying refmap. - var parseReference = function(s, refmap) { - this.subject = s; - this.pos = 0; - this.label_nest_level = 0; - var rawlabel; - var dest; - var title; - var matchChars; - var startpos = this.pos; - var match; - - // label: - matchChars = this.parseLinkLabel(); - if (matchChars === 0) { - return 0; - } else { - rawlabel = this.subject.substr(0, matchChars); - } - - // colon: - if (this.peek() === C_COLON) { - this.pos++; - } else { - this.pos = startpos; - return 0; - } - - // link url - this.spnl(); - - dest = this.parseLinkDestination(); - if (dest === null || dest.length === 0) { - this.pos = startpos; - return 0; - } - - var beforetitle = this.pos; - this.spnl(); - title = this.parseLinkTitle(); - if (title === null) { - title = ''; - // rewind before spaces - this.pos = beforetitle; - } - - // make sure we're at line end: - if (this.match(/^ *(?:\n|$)/) === null) { - this.pos = startpos; - return 0; - } - - var normlabel = normalizeReference(rawlabel); - - if (!refmap[normlabel]) { - refmap[normlabel] = { destination: dest, title: title }; - } - return this.pos - startpos; - }; - - // Parse the next inline element in subject, advancing subject position. - // If memoize is set, memoize the result. - // On success, add the result to the inlines list, and return true. - // On failure, return false. - var parseInline = function(inlines, memoize) { - var startpos = this.pos; - var origlen = inlines.length; - var memoized = memoize && this.memo[startpos]; - if (memoized) { - this.pos = memoized.endpos; - Array.prototype.push.apply(inlines, memoized.inline); - return true; - } - - var c = this.peek(); - if (c === -1) { - return false; - } - var res; - switch(c) { - case C_NEWLINE: - case C_SPACE: - res = this.parseNewline(inlines); - break; - case C_BACKSLASH: - res = this.parseBackslash(inlines); - break; - case C_BACKTICK: - res = this.parseBackticks(inlines); - break; - case C_ASTERISK: - case C_UNDERSCORE: - res = this.parseEmphasis(c, inlines); - break; - case C_OPEN_BRACKET: - res = this.parseLink(inlines); - break; - case C_BANG: - res = this.parseImage(inlines); - break; - case C_LESSTHAN: - res = this.parseAutolink(inlines) || this.parseHtmlTag(inlines); - break; - case C_AMPERSAND: - res = this.parseEntity(inlines); - break; - default: - res = this.parseString(inlines); - break; - } - if (!res) { - this.pos += 1; - inlines.push({t: 'Str', c: String.fromCodePoint(c)}); - } - - if (memoize) { - this.memo[startpos] = { inline: inlines.slice(origlen), - endpos: this.pos }; - } - return true; - }; - - // Parse s as a list of inlines, using refmap to resolve references. - var parseInlines = function(s, refmap) { - this.subject = s; - this.pos = 0; - this.refmap = refmap || {}; - this.memo = {}; - this.last_emphasis_closer = { '*': s.length, '_': s.length }; - var inlines = []; - while (this.parseInline(inlines, false)) { - } - return inlines; - }; - - // The InlineParser object. - function InlineParser(){ - return { - subject: '', - label_nest_level: 0, // used by parseLinkLabel method - last_emphasis_closer: null, // used by parseEmphasis method - pos: 0, - refmap: {}, - memo: {}, - match: match, - peek: peek, - spnl: spnl, - parseBackticks: parseBackticks, - parseBackslash: parseBackslash, - parseAutolink: parseAutolink, - parseHtmlTag: parseHtmlTag, - scanDelims: scanDelims, - parseEmphasis: parseEmphasis, - parseLinkTitle: parseLinkTitle, - parseLinkDestination: parseLinkDestination, - parseLinkLabel: parseLinkLabel, - parseLink: parseLink, - parseEntity: parseEntity, - parseString: parseString, - parseNewline: parseNewline, - parseImage: parseImage, - parseReference: parseReference, - parseInline: parseInline, - parse: parseInlines - }; - } - - // DOC PARSER - - // These are methods of a DocParser object, defined below. - - var makeBlock = function(tag, start_line, start_column) { - return { t: tag, - open: true, - last_line_blank: false, - start_line: start_line, - start_column: start_column, - end_line: start_line, - children: [], - parent: null, - // string_content is formed by concatenating strings, in finalize: - string_content: "", - strings: [], - inline_content: [] - }; - }; - - // Returns true if parent block can contain child block. - var canContain = function(parent_type, child_type) { - return ( parent_type == 'Document' || - parent_type == 'BlockQuote' || - parent_type == 'ListItem' || - (parent_type == 'List' && child_type == 'ListItem') ); - }; - - // Returns true if block type can accept lines of text. - var acceptsLines = function(block_type) { - return ( block_type == 'Paragraph' || - block_type == 'IndentedCode' || - block_type == 'FencedCode' ); - }; - - // Returns true if block ends with a blank line, descending if needed - // into lists and sublists. - var endsWithBlankLine = function(block) { - if (block.last_line_blank) { - return true; - } - if ((block.t == 'List' || block.t == 'ListItem') && block.children.length > 0) { - return endsWithBlankLine(block.children[block.children.length - 1]); - } else { - return false; - } - }; - - // Break out of all containing lists, resetting the tip of the - // document to the parent of the highest list, and finalizing - // all the lists. (This is used to implement the "two blank lines - // break of of all lists" feature.) - var breakOutOfLists = function(block, line_number) { - var b = block; - var last_list = null; - do { - if (b.t === 'List') { - last_list = b; - } - b = b.parent; - } while (b); - - if (last_list) { - while (block != last_list) { - this.finalize(block, line_number); - block = block.parent; - } - this.finalize(last_list, line_number); - this.tip = last_list.parent; - } - }; - - // Add a line to the block at the tip. We assume the tip - // can accept lines -- that check should be done before calling this. - var addLine = function(ln, offset) { - var s = ln.slice(offset); - if (!(this.tip.open)) { - throw({ msg: "Attempted to add line (" + ln + ") to closed container." }); - } - this.tip.strings.push(s); - }; - - // Add block of type tag as a child of the tip. If the tip can't - // accept children, close and finalize it and try its parent, - // and so on til we find a block that can accept children. - var addChild = function(tag, line_number, offset) { - while (!canContain(this.tip.t, tag)) { - this.finalize(this.tip, line_number); - } - - var column_number = offset + 1; // offset 0 = column 1 - var newBlock = makeBlock(tag, line_number, column_number); - this.tip.children.push(newBlock); - newBlock.parent = this.tip; - this.tip = newBlock; - return newBlock; - }; - - // Parse a list marker and return data on the marker (type, - // start, delimiter, bullet character, padding) or null. - var parseListMarker = function(ln, offset) { - var rest = ln.slice(offset); - var match; - var spaces_after_marker; - var data = {}; - if (rest.match(reHrule)) { - return null; - } - if ((match = rest.match(/^[*+-]( +|$)/))) { - spaces_after_marker = match[1].length; - data.type = 'Bullet'; - data.bullet_char = match[0][0]; - - } else if ((match = rest.match(/^(\d+)([.)])( +|$)/))) { - spaces_after_marker = match[3].length; - data.type = 'Ordered'; - data.start = parseInt(match[1]); - data.delimiter = match[2]; - } else { - return null; - } - var blank_item = match[0].length === rest.length; - if (spaces_after_marker >= 5 || - spaces_after_marker < 1 || - blank_item) { - data.padding = match[0].length - spaces_after_marker + 1; - } else { - data.padding = match[0].length; - } - return data; - }; - - // Returns true if the two list items are of the same type, - // with the same delimiter and bullet character. This is used - // in agglomerating list items into lists. - var listsMatch = function(list_data, item_data) { - return (list_data.type === item_data.type && - list_data.delimiter === item_data.delimiter && - list_data.bullet_char === item_data.bullet_char); - }; - - // Analyze a line of text and update the document appropriately. - // We parse markdown text by calling this on each line of input, - // then finalizing the document. - var incorporateLine = function(ln, line_number) { - - var all_matched = true; - var last_child; - var first_nonspace; - var offset = 0; - var match; - var data; - var blank; - var indent; - var last_matched_container; - var i; - var CODE_INDENT = 4; - - var container = this.doc; - var oldtip = this.tip; - - // Convert tabs to spaces: - ln = detabLine(ln); - - // For each containing block, try to parse the associated line start. - // Bail out on failure: container will point to the last matching block. - // Set all_matched to false if not all containers match. - while (container.children.length > 0) { - last_child = container.children[container.children.length - 1]; - if (!last_child.open) { - break; - } - container = last_child; - - match = matchAt(/[^ ]/, ln, offset); - if (match === null) { - first_nonspace = ln.length; - blank = true; - } else { - first_nonspace = match; - blank = false; - } - indent = first_nonspace - offset; - - switch (container.t) { - case 'BlockQuote': - if (indent <= 3 && ln.charCodeAt(first_nonspace) === C_GREATERTHAN) { - offset = first_nonspace + 1; - if (ln.charCodeAt(offset) === C_SPACE) { - offset++; - } - } else { - all_matched = false; - } - break; - - case 'ListItem': - if (indent >= container.list_data.marker_offset + - container.list_data.padding) { - offset += container.list_data.marker_offset + - container.list_data.padding; - } else if (blank) { - offset = first_nonspace; - } else { - all_matched = false; - } - break; - - case 'IndentedCode': - if (indent >= CODE_INDENT) { - offset += CODE_INDENT; - } else if (blank) { - offset = first_nonspace; - } else { - all_matched = false; - } - break; - - case 'ATXHeader': - case 'SetextHeader': - case 'HorizontalRule': - // a header can never container > 1 line, so fail to match: - all_matched = false; - break; - - case 'FencedCode': - // skip optional spaces of fence offset - i = container.fence_offset; - while (i > 0 && ln.charCodeAt(offset) === C_SPACE) { - offset++; - i--; - } - break; - - case 'HtmlBlock': - if (blank) { - all_matched = false; - } - break; - - case 'Paragraph': - if (blank) { - container.last_line_blank = true; - all_matched = false; - } - break; - - default: - } - - if (!all_matched) { - container = container.parent; // back up to last matching block - break; - } - } - - last_matched_container = container; - - // This function is used to finalize and close any unmatched - // blocks. We aren't ready to do this now, because we might - // have a lazy paragraph continuation, in which case we don't - // want to close unmatched blocks. So we store this closure for - // use later, when we have more information. - var closeUnmatchedBlocks = function(mythis) { - // finalize any blocks not matched - while (!already_done && oldtip != last_matched_container) { - mythis.finalize(oldtip, line_number); - oldtip = oldtip.parent; - } - var already_done = true; - }; - - // Check to see if we've hit 2nd blank line; if so break out of list: - if (blank && container.last_line_blank) { - this.breakOutOfLists(container, line_number); - } - - // Unless last matched container is a code block, try new container starts, - // adding children to the last matched container: - while (container.t != 'FencedCode' && - container.t != 'IndentedCode' && - container.t != 'HtmlBlock' && - // this is a little performance optimization: - matchAt(/^[ #`~*+_=<>0-9-]/,ln,offset) !== null) { - - match = matchAt(/[^ ]/, ln, offset); - if (match === null) { - first_nonspace = ln.length; - blank = true; - } else { - first_nonspace = match; - blank = false; - } - indent = first_nonspace - offset; - - if (indent >= CODE_INDENT) { - // indented code - if (this.tip.t != 'Paragraph' && !blank) { - offset += CODE_INDENT; - closeUnmatchedBlocks(this); - container = this.addChild('IndentedCode', line_number, offset); - } else { // indent > 4 in a lazy paragraph continuation - break; - } - - } else if (ln.charCodeAt(first_nonspace) === C_GREATERTHAN) { - // blockquote - offset = first_nonspace + 1; - // optional following space - if (ln.charCodeAt(offset) === C_SPACE) { - offset++; - } - closeUnmatchedBlocks(this); - container = this.addChild('BlockQuote', line_number, offset); - - } else if ((match = ln.slice(first_nonspace).match(/^#{1,6}(?: +|$)/))) { - // ATX header - offset = first_nonspace + match[0].length; - closeUnmatchedBlocks(this); - container = this.addChild('ATXHeader', line_number, first_nonspace); - container.level = match[0].trim().length; // number of #s - // remove trailing ###s: - container.strings = - [ln.slice(offset).replace(/(?:(\\#) *#*| *#+) *$/,'$1')]; - break; - - } else if ((match = ln.slice(first_nonspace).match(/^`{3,}(?!.*`)|^~{3,}(?!.*~)/))) { - // fenced code block - var fence_length = match[0].length; - closeUnmatchedBlocks(this); - container = this.addChild('FencedCode', line_number, first_nonspace); - container.fence_length = fence_length; - container.fence_char = match[0][0]; - container.fence_offset = first_nonspace - offset; - offset = first_nonspace + fence_length; - break; - - } else if (matchAt(reHtmlBlockOpen, ln, first_nonspace) !== null) { - // html block - closeUnmatchedBlocks(this); - container = this.addChild('HtmlBlock', line_number, first_nonspace); - // note, we don't adjust offset because the tag is part of the text - break; - - } else if (container.t == 'Paragraph' && - container.strings.length === 1 && - ((match = ln.slice(first_nonspace).match(/^(?:=+|-+) *$/)))) { - // setext header line - closeUnmatchedBlocks(this); - container.t = 'SetextHeader'; // convert Paragraph to SetextHeader - container.level = match[0][0] === '=' ? 1 : 2; - offset = ln.length; - - } else if (matchAt(reHrule, ln, first_nonspace) !== null) { - // hrule - closeUnmatchedBlocks(this); - container = this.addChild('HorizontalRule', line_number, first_nonspace); - offset = ln.length - 1; - break; - - } else if ((data = parseListMarker(ln, first_nonspace))) { - // list item - closeUnmatchedBlocks(this); - data.marker_offset = indent; - offset = first_nonspace + data.padding; - - // add the list if needed - if (container.t !== 'List' || - !(listsMatch(container.list_data, data))) { - container = this.addChild('List', line_number, first_nonspace); - container.list_data = data; - } - - // add the list item - container = this.addChild('ListItem', line_number, first_nonspace); - container.list_data = data; - - } else { - break; - - } - - if (acceptsLines(container.t)) { - // if it's a line container, it can't contain other containers - break; - } - } - - // What remains at the offset is a text line. Add the text to the - // appropriate container. - - match = matchAt(/[^ ]/, ln, offset); - if (match === null) { - first_nonspace = ln.length; - blank = true; - } else { - first_nonspace = match; - blank = false; - } - indent = first_nonspace - offset; - - // First check for a lazy paragraph continuation: - if (this.tip !== last_matched_container && - !blank && - this.tip.t == 'Paragraph' && - this.tip.strings.length > 0) { - // lazy paragraph continuation - - this.last_line_blank = false; - this.addLine(ln, offset); - - } else { // not a lazy continuation - - // finalize any blocks not matched - closeUnmatchedBlocks(this); - - // Block quote lines are never blank as they start with > - // and we don't count blanks in fenced code for purposes of tight/loose - // lists or breaking out of lists. We also don't set last_line_blank - // on an empty list item. - container.last_line_blank = blank && - !(container.t == 'BlockQuote' || - container.t == 'FencedCode' || - (container.t == 'ListItem' && - container.children.length === 0 && - container.start_line == line_number)); - - var cont = container; - while (cont.parent) { - cont.parent.last_line_blank = false; - cont = cont.parent; - } - - switch (container.t) { - case 'IndentedCode': - case 'HtmlBlock': - this.addLine(ln, offset); - break; - - case 'FencedCode': - // check for closing code fence: - match = (indent <= 3 && - ln.charAt(first_nonspace) == container.fence_char && - ln.slice(first_nonspace).match(/^(?:`{3,}|~{3,})(?= *$)/)); - if (match && match[0].length >= container.fence_length) { - // don't add closing fence to container; instead, close it: - this.finalize(container, line_number); - } else { - this.addLine(ln, offset); - } - break; - - case 'ATXHeader': - case 'SetextHeader': - case 'HorizontalRule': - // nothing to do; we already added the contents. - break; - - default: - if (acceptsLines(container.t)) { - this.addLine(ln, first_nonspace); - } else if (blank) { - // do nothing - } else if (container.t != 'HorizontalRule' && - container.t != 'SetextHeader') { - // create paragraph container for line - container = this.addChild('Paragraph', line_number, first_nonspace); - this.addLine(ln, first_nonspace); - } else { - console.log("Line " + line_number.toString() + - " with container type " + container.t + - " did not match any condition."); - - } - } - } - }; - - // Finalize a block. Close it and do any necessary postprocessing, - // e.g. creating string_content from strings, setting the 'tight' - // or 'loose' status of a list, and parsing the beginnings - // of paragraphs for reference definitions. Reset the tip to the - // parent of the closed block. - var finalize = function(block, line_number) { - var pos; - // don't do anything if the block is already closed - if (!block.open) { - return 0; - } - block.open = false; - if (line_number > block.start_line) { - block.end_line = line_number - 1; - } else { - block.end_line = line_number; - } - - switch (block.t) { - case 'Paragraph': - block.string_content = block.strings.join('\n').replace(/^ */m,''); - - // try parsing the beginning as link reference definitions: - while (block.string_content.charCodeAt(0) === C_OPEN_BRACKET && - (pos = this.inlineParser.parseReference(block.string_content, - this.refmap))) { - block.string_content = block.string_content.slice(pos); - if (isBlank(block.string_content)) { - block.t = 'ReferenceDef'; - break; - } - } - break; - - case 'ATXHeader': - case 'SetextHeader': - case 'HtmlBlock': - block.string_content = block.strings.join('\n'); - break; - - case 'IndentedCode': - block.string_content = block.strings.join('\n').replace(/(\n *)*$/,'\n'); - break; - - case 'FencedCode': - // first line becomes info string - block.info = unescapeEntBS(block.strings[0].trim()); - if (block.strings.length == 1) { - block.string_content = ''; - } else { - block.string_content = block.strings.slice(1).join('\n') + '\n'; - } - break; - - case 'List': - block.tight = true; // tight by default - - var numitems = block.children.length; - var i = 0; - while (i < numitems) { - var item = block.children[i]; - // check for non-final list item ending with blank line: - var last_item = i == numitems - 1; - if (endsWithBlankLine(item) && !last_item) { - block.tight = false; - break; - } - // recurse into children of list item, to see if there are - // spaces between any of them: - var numsubitems = item.children.length; - var j = 0; - while (j < numsubitems) { - var subitem = item.children[j]; - var last_subitem = j == numsubitems - 1; - if (endsWithBlankLine(subitem) && !(last_item && last_subitem)) { - block.tight = false; - break; - } - j++; - } - i++; - } - break; - - default: - break; - } - - this.tip = block.parent || this.top; - }; - - // Walk through a block & children recursively, parsing string content - // into inline content where appropriate. - var processInlines = function(block) { - switch(block.t) { - case 'Paragraph': - case 'SetextHeader': - case 'ATXHeader': - block.inline_content = - this.inlineParser.parse(block.string_content.trim(), this.refmap); - block.string_content = ""; - break; - default: - break; - } - - if (block.children) { - for (var i = 0; i < block.children.length; i++) { - this.processInlines(block.children[i]); - } - } - - }; - - // The main parsing function. Returns a parsed document AST. - var parse = function(input) { - this.doc = makeBlock('Document', 1, 1); - this.tip = this.doc; - this.refmap = {}; - var lines = input.replace(/\n$/,'').split(/\r\n|\n|\r/); - var len = lines.length; - for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { - this.incorporateLine(lines[i], i+1); - } - while (this.tip) { - this.finalize(this.tip, len - 1); - } - this.processInlines(this.doc); - return this.doc; - }; - - - // The DocParser object. - function DocParser(){ - return { - doc: makeBlock('Document', 1, 1), - tip: this.doc, - refmap: {}, - inlineParser: new InlineParser(), - breakOutOfLists: breakOutOfLists, - addLine: addLine, - addChild: addChild, - incorporateLine: incorporateLine, - finalize: finalize, - processInlines: processInlines, - parse: parse - }; - } - - // HTML RENDERER - - // Helper function to produce content in a pair of HTML tags. - var inTags = function(tag, attribs, contents, selfclosing) { - var result = '<' + tag; - if (attribs) { - var i = 0; - var attrib; - while ((attrib = attribs[i]) !== undefined) { - result = result.concat(' ', attrib[0], '="', attrib[1], '"'); - i++; - } - } - if (contents) { - result = result.concat('>', contents, '</', tag, '>'); - } else if (selfclosing) { - result = result + ' />'; - } else { - result = result.concat('></', tag, '>'); - } - return result; - }; - - // Render an inline element as HTML. - var renderInline = function(inline) { - var attrs; - switch (inline.t) { - case 'Str': - return this.escape(inline.c); - case 'Softbreak': - return this.softbreak; - case 'Hardbreak': - return inTags('br',[],"",true) + '\n'; - case 'Emph': - return inTags('em', [], this.renderInlines(inline.c)); - case 'Strong': - return inTags('strong', [], this.renderInlines(inline.c)); - case 'Html': - return inline.c; - case 'Link': - attrs = [['href', this.escape(inline.destination, true)]]; - if (inline.title) { - attrs.push(['title', this.escape(inline.title, true)]); - } - return inTags('a', attrs, this.renderInlines(inline.label)); - case 'Image': - attrs = [['src', this.escape(inline.destination, true)], - ['alt', this.escape(this.renderInlines(inline.label))]]; - if (inline.title) { - attrs.push(['title', this.escape(inline.title, true)]); - } - return inTags('img', attrs, "", true); - case 'Code': - return inTags('code', [], this.escape(inline.c)); - default: - console.log("Unknown inline type " + inline.t); - return ""; - } - }; - - // Render a list of inlines. - var renderInlines = function(inlines) { - var result = ''; - for (var i=0; i < inlines.length; i++) { - result = result + this.renderInline(inlines[i]); - } - return result; - }; - - // Render a single block element. - var renderBlock = function(block, in_tight_list) { - var tag; - var attr; - var info_words; - switch (block.t) { - case 'Document': - var whole_doc = this.renderBlocks(block.children); - return (whole_doc === '' ? '' : whole_doc + '\n'); - case 'Paragraph': - if (in_tight_list) { - return this.renderInlines(block.inline_content); - } else { - return inTags('p', [], this.renderInlines(block.inline_content)); - } - break; - case 'BlockQuote': - var filling = this.renderBlocks(block.children); - return inTags('blockquote', [], filling === '' ? this.innersep : - this.innersep + filling + this.innersep); - case 'ListItem': - return inTags('li', [], this.renderBlocks(block.children, in_tight_list).trim()); - case 'List': - tag = block.list_data.type == 'Bullet' ? 'ul' : 'ol'; - attr = (!block.list_data.start || block.list_data.start == 1) ? - [] : [['start', block.list_data.start.toString()]]; - return inTags(tag, attr, this.innersep + - this.renderBlocks(block.children, block.tight) + - this.innersep); - case 'ATXHeader': - case 'SetextHeader': - tag = 'h' + block.level; - return inTags(tag, [], this.renderInlines(block.inline_content)); - case 'IndentedCode': - return inTags('pre', [], - inTags('code', [], this.escape(block.string_content))); - case 'FencedCode': - info_words = block.info.split(/ +/); - attr = info_words.length === 0 || info_words[0].length === 0 ? - [] : [['class','language-' + - this.escape(info_words[0],true)]]; - return inTags('pre', [], - inTags('code', attr, this.escape(block.string_content))); - case 'HtmlBlock': - return block.string_content; - case 'ReferenceDef': - return ""; - case 'HorizontalRule': - return inTags('hr',[],"",true); - default: - console.log("Unknown block type " + block.t); - return ""; - } - }; - - // Render a list of block elements, separated by this.blocksep. - var renderBlocks = function(blocks, in_tight_list) { - var result = []; - for (var i=0; i < blocks.length; i++) { - if (blocks[i].t !== 'ReferenceDef') { - result.push(this.renderBlock(blocks[i], in_tight_list)); - } - } - return result.join(this.blocksep); - }; - - // The HtmlRenderer object. - function HtmlRenderer(){ - return { - // default options: - blocksep: '\n', // space between blocks - innersep: '\n', // space between block container tag and contents - softbreak: '\n', // by default, soft breaks are rendered as newlines in HTML - // set to "<br />" to make them hard breaks - // set to " " if you want to ignore line wrapping in source - escape: function(s, preserve_entities) { - if (preserve_entities) { - return s.replace(/[&](?;|[a-z][a-z0-9]{1,31};)/gi,'&') - .replace(/[<]/g,'<') - .replace(/[>]/g,'>') - .replace(/["]/g,'"'); - } else { - return s.replace(/[&]/g,'&') - .replace(/[<]/g,'<') - .replace(/[>]/g,'>') - .replace(/["]/g,'"'); - } - }, - renderInline: renderInline, - renderInlines: renderInlines, - renderBlock: renderBlock, - renderBlocks: renderBlocks, - render: renderBlock - }; - } - - exports.DocParser = DocParser; - exports.HtmlRenderer = HtmlRenderer; - -})(typeof exports === 'undefined' ? this.stmd = {} : exports); |