

multiplex_ising - compute the coupled ising model in a multiplex with 2 layers.


multiplex_ising <layer1> <layer2> <T> <J> < γ > < h[1] > < h[2] > < p1 > < p2 > < numepochs >


Compute and print the output of the ising dynamics on two coupled layers of a multiplex network. Files layer1, layer2, contain the (undirected) edge list of the two layer, and each line is in the format:

  src_ID dest_ID

where src_ID and dest_ID are the IDs of the two endpoints of an edge.

T is the value of thermal noise in the system, J the value of peer pressure, γ the relative ratio between internal coupling and peer pressure, h[1] and h[2] the external fields acting on the two layers, p1 the probability for a spin on layer 1 at t = 0 to be up, p2 the same probability for spins on layer 2, numepochs the number of epochs for the simulation.


One line, reporting all controlling parameter, the value of consensus in layer 1 m[1], the value of consensus in layer 2 m[2] and the coherence C.


F. Battiston, A. Cairoli, V. Nicosia, A. Baule, V. Latora, “Interplay between consensus and coherence in a model of interacting opinions”, accepted for publication in Physica D, arxiv:1506.04544 (2015).

Link to paper: