lawnmower ========= A simple way to manage the gopher lawn or any other collection of links organised in categories and sub-categories. SYNOPSYS ======== cat file1 file2 ... | ./lawnmower where `file1`, `file2` ... are files containing the description of categories and links. The command will generate a directory structure that mimics the hierarchical organisation of categories, and will generate an index.gph file for each category. Customisation ============= The rendering can be customised by tinkering with the functions in `render.awk`. The only ones that are called from outside `render.awk` are (in this order): - render_init(): can be used for any specific initialisation - render_categories(category, cnum, link, lnum): creates the directory structure and puts titles and list of sub-categories in each index.gph file. - render_post_categories(category, cnum): can be used to add anything to the index.gph files before the list of links is appended. - render_links(category, cnum, link, lnum): add each link to the list of links of all the categories it belongs to. - render_finalise(category, cnum, link, lnum): anything that needs to be rendered after the list of links. Currently used to add a back-link to the main page. Link and Category description ============================= Each link is a RFC822 stanza like: Type: link Selector: Host: Port: LinkName: Description: Category: Keywords: The meaning of most fields should be obvious. LinkName: is the displayed name of the selector. Description: is a description line that accompanies the selector. It can possibly span more than one line. Category: is a comma-separated list of catagory Names to which the link belongs. Keywords: is a comma-separated list of keywords, which could be used to enhance search. Please see an example below: Type: link Selector: / Host: Port: 70 LinkName: KatolaZ's gopherhole Description: KatolaZ's home page, where he shows software and other stuff. Category: homepage Keywords: homepage, katolaz, software Each category is a RFC822 stanza like: Type: category Name: Selector: Host: Port: LinkName: Title: Description: Parent: Keywords: The meaning of the fields should be obvious. Title: is the title to be shown in the front page of the category. Name: is the (unique) name of the category. Parent: is a comma-separated list of categories to which this category belongs. Examples below: Type: category Name: homepage Selector: /lawn/homepages/index.gph Host: host Port: port LinkName: homepages Title: ____________H_O_M_E_P_A_G_E_S____________ Description: Homepages of some gophers. Feel free to suggest yours by calling 1-2345-678-901 Mon-Fri 9:00-17:00 Parent: root Keywords: homepages, gopherholes, personal Type: category Name: bitreich-members Selector: /lawn/homepages/bitreich/index.gph Host: host Port: port LinkName: Bitreich members Title: _______B_I_T_R_E_I_C_H___M_E_M_B_E_R_S_______ Description: gopherholes of Bitreich members Parent: homepage Kewords: homepages, bitreich, members There is no special category, meaning that the top-most category is treated as any other category, and its page has exactly the same structure as any other category. This can be customised through the rendering functions above.