/* ui-tree.c: functions for tree output * * Copyright (C) 2006 Lars Hjemli * * Licensed under GNU General Public License v2 * (see COPYING for full license text) */ #include <ctype.h> #include "cgit.h" #include "ui-tree.h" #include "html.h" #include "ui-shared.h" struct walk_tree_context { char *curr_rev; char *match_path; int state; }; static void print_text_buffer(const char *name, char *buf, unsigned long size) { unsigned long lineno, idx; const char *numberfmt = "<a class='no' id='n%1$d' name='n%1$d' href='#n%1$d'>%1$d</a>\n"; html("<table summary='blob content' class='blob'>\n"); if (ctx.cfg.enable_tree_linenumbers) { html("<tr><td class='linenumbers'><pre>"); idx = 0; lineno = 0; if (size) { htmlf(numberfmt, ++lineno); while (idx < size - 1) { // skip absolute last newline if (buf[idx] == '\n') htmlf(numberfmt, ++lineno); idx++; } } html("</pre></td>\n"); } else { html("<tr>\n"); } if (ctx.repo->source_filter) { html("<td class='lines'><pre><code>"); ctx.repo->source_filter->argv[1] = xstrdup(name); cgit_open_filter(ctx.repo->source_filter); html_raw(buf, size); cgit_close_filter(ctx.repo->source_filter); free(ctx.repo->source_filter->argv[1]); ctx.repo->source_filter->argv[1] = NULL; html("</code></pre></td></tr></table>\n"); return; } html("<td class='lines'><pre><code>"); html_txt(buf); html("</code></pre></td></tr></table>\n"); } #define ROWLEN 32 static void print_binary_buffer(char *buf, unsigned long size) { unsigned long ofs, idx; static char ascii[ROWLEN + 1]; html("<table summary='blob content' class='bin-blob'>\n"); html("<tr><th>ofs</th><th>hex dump</th><th>ascii</th></tr>"); for (ofs = 0; ofs < size; ofs += ROWLEN, buf += ROWLEN) { htmlf("<tr><td class='right'>%04lx</td><td class='hex'>", ofs); for (idx = 0; idx < ROWLEN && ofs + idx < size; idx++) htmlf("%*s%02x", idx == 16 ? 4 : 1, "", buf[idx] & 0xff); html(" </td><td class='hex'>"); for (idx = 0; idx < ROWLEN && ofs + idx < size; idx++) ascii[idx] = isgraph(buf[idx]) ? buf[idx] : '.'; ascii[idx] = '\0'; html_txt(ascii); html("</td></tr>\n"); } html("</table>\n"); } static void print_object(const unsigned char *sha1, char *path, const char *basename, const char *rev) { enum object_type type; char *buf; unsigned long size; type = sha1_object_info(sha1, &size); if (type == OBJ_BAD) { cgit_print_error("Bad object name: %s", sha1_to_hex(sha1)); return; } buf = read_sha1_file(sha1, &type, &size); if (!buf) { cgit_print_error("Error reading object %s", sha1_to_hex(sha1)); return; } htmlf("blob: %s (", sha1_to_hex(sha1)); cgit_plain_link("plain", NULL, NULL, ctx.qry.head, rev, path); html(")\n"); if (ctx.cfg.max_blob_size && size / 1024 > ctx.cfg.max_blob_size) { htmlf("<div class='error'>blob size (%ldKB) exceeds display size limit (%dKB).</div>", size / 1024, ctx.cfg.max_blob_size); return; } if (buffer_is_binary(buf, size)) print_binary_buffer(buf, size); else print_text_buffer(basename, buf, size); } static int ls_item(const unsigned char *sha1, const char *base, int baselen, const char *pathname, unsigned int mode, int stage, void *cbdata) { struct walk_tree_context *walk_tree_ctx = cbdata; char *name; char *fullpath; char *class; enum object_type type; unsigned long size = 0; name = xstrdup(pathname); fullpath = fmt("%s%s%s", ctx.qry.path ? ctx.qry.path : "", ctx.qry.path ? "/" : "", name); if (!S_ISGITLINK(mode)) { type = sha1_object_info(sha1, &size); if (type == OBJ_BAD) { htmlf("<tr><td colspan='3'>Bad object: %s %s</td></tr>", name, sha1_to_hex(sha1)); return 0; } } html("<tr><td class='ls-mode'>"); cgit_print_filemode(mode); html("</td><td>"); if (S_ISGITLINK(mode)) { cgit_submodule_link("ls-mod", fullpath, sha1_to_hex(sha1)); } else if (S_ISDIR(mode)) { cgit_tree_link(name, NULL, "ls-dir", ctx.qry.head, walk_tree_ctx->curr_rev, fullpath); } else { class = strrchr(name, '.'); if (class != NULL) { class = fmt("ls-blob %s", class + 1); } else class = "ls-blob"; cgit_tree_link(name, NULL, class, ctx.qry.head, walk_tree_ctx->curr_rev, fullpath); } htmlf("</td><td class='ls-size'>%li</td>", size); html("<td>"); cgit_log_link("log", NULL, "button", ctx.qry.head, walk_tree_ctx->curr_rev, fullpath, 0, NULL, NULL, ctx.qry.showmsg); if (ctx.repo->max_stats) cgit_stats_link("stats", NULL, "button", ctx.qry.head, fullpath); if (!S_ISGITLINK(mode)) cgit_plain_link("plain", NULL, "button", ctx.qry.head, walk_tree_ctx->curr_rev, fullpath); html("</td></tr>\n"); free(name); return 0; } static void ls_head() { html("<table summary='tree listing' class='list'>\n"); html("<tr class='nohover'>"); html("<th class='left'>Mode</th>"); html("<th class='left'>Name</th>"); html("<th class='right'>Size</th>"); html("<th/>"); html("</tr>\n"); } static void ls_tail() { html("</table>\n"); } static void ls_tree(const unsigned char *sha1, char *path, struct walk_tree_context *walk_tree_ctx) { struct tree *tree; struct pathspec paths = { .nr = 0 }; tree = parse_tree_indirect(sha1); if (!tree) { cgit_print_error("Not a tree object: %s", sha1_to_hex(sha1)); return; } ls_head(); read_tree_recursive(tree, "", 0, 1, &paths, ls_item, walk_tree_ctx); ls_tail(); } static int walk_tree(const unsigned char *sha1, const char *base, int baselen, const char *pathname, unsigned mode, int stage, void *cbdata) { struct walk_tree_context *walk_tree_ctx = cbdata; static char buffer[PATH_MAX]; if (walk_tree_ctx->state == 0) { memcpy(buffer, base, baselen); strcpy(buffer + baselen, pathname); if (strcmp(walk_tree_ctx->match_path, buffer)) return READ_TREE_RECURSIVE; if (S_ISDIR(mode)) { walk_tree_ctx->state = 1; ls_head(); return READ_TREE_RECURSIVE; } else { print_object(sha1, buffer, pathname, walk_tree_ctx->curr_rev); return 0; } } ls_item(sha1, base, baselen, pathname, mode, stage, walk_tree_ctx); return 0; } /* * Show a tree or a blob * rev: the commit pointing at the root tree object * path: path to tree or blob */ void cgit_print_tree(const char *rev, char *path) { unsigned char sha1[20]; struct commit *commit; struct pathspec_item path_items = { .match = path, .len = path ? strlen(path) : 0 }; struct pathspec paths = { .nr = path ? 1 : 0, .items = &path_items }; struct walk_tree_context walk_tree_ctx = { .match_path = path, .state = 0 }; if (!rev) rev = ctx.qry.head; if (get_sha1(rev, sha1)) { cgit_print_error("Invalid revision name: %s", rev); return; } commit = lookup_commit_reference(sha1); if (!commit || parse_commit(commit)) { cgit_print_error("Invalid commit reference: %s", rev); return; } walk_tree_ctx.curr_rev = xstrdup(rev); if (path == NULL) { ls_tree(commit->tree->object.sha1, NULL, &walk_tree_ctx); goto cleanup; } read_tree_recursive(commit->tree, "", 0, 0, &paths, walk_tree, &walk_tree_ctx); if (walk_tree_ctx.state == 1) ls_tail(); cleanup: free(walk_tree_ctx.curr_rev); }